Example sentences of "said you be [v-ing] na " in BNC.

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1 She said you 're gon na ask the duck or something to lay another egg for you .
2 Mm so he said erm , that 's the situation he said but you can forget your business he said , as far as I 'm concerned he said , you 've lost for two years so he said consequently he said you 're gon na lose this year are you ?
3 I said you 're gon na have yo have gone to Cornwall .
4 I said you 're gon na be by yourself I said , for God 's sake start thinking of yourself !
5 He wo n't be er , but she was so she said you 're gon na chop the tree down , that tree whe , that he bumped into !
6 I said you 're gon na get a
7 I said you 're gon na put weight on , if
8 this morning you said you was gon na do your homework
9 You said you was gon na
10 I thought you said you was gon na get one out the box and you could n't bother to or something
11 You , you said you was gon na get her some underwear .
12 But you said you were gon na bring me some erm these special tables .
13 And then that 's the one that you gave us copies cos you had you said you were gon na get five
14 She said you were gon na
15 you said you were gon na club towards it all the money out your post office .
16 He said you were gon na draw them for him .
17 Now you said you were gon na tell me what 's happened on the news so far .
18 Well you said you were gon na use it up did n't you ?
19 no you did n't you said you were gon na leave it
20 He said you were gon na give him something but you did n't know how long , long it 'll last when I was in the kitchen you said I 'll put this on but I do n't know how long it 'll last no
21 it adds devalue do n't it ? , well why do n't you do what you said you were gon na do and have a , a doubled barrel name
22 Oh yes , well , you said you were gon na
23 You said you were gon na give me it and then you did n't .
24 Because you just said you were gon na ?
25 You said you were gon na change it all round when you got the new sofa .
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