Example sentences of "said [pron] 'd [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I said I 'd prefer a man because women were a problem area for me and I was frightened I 'd push the therapist into a certain role by flirting with her if she was young and attractive , or feeling dependent on her if she was my mother 's age .
2 I said I 'd love a cup of tea , which was surprisingly true .
3 I said I 'd like a break , spend a week with aunty Mary or summat in that flat , driving me
4 She said I 'd have a real good time here — playing sports and sleeping in the dorm with all the other boys .
5 Yeah , I said I 'd have a go and before I knew where I was I got got top billing .
6 ‘ But you said you 'd stay a week , ’ said Perdita in horror .
7 Just stick to your argument that the dealer said you 'd make a certain profit .
8 Right you you said you 'd prefer a white head rail did n't you ?
9 ‘ You said you 'd read a lot about them . ’
10 She said you 'd need a little break after all this bother . ’
11 ‘ You said you 'd have a room prepared for me , Nicolo .
12 ‘ Dr Darnell said she 'd lend a key to anyone who wanted to stay out late , ’ said Lee , staggering slightly and leaning on Meryl 's shoulder , to her irritation .
13 Maggie said she 'd have a half of shandy , Susan ordered the same .
14 It sounded like an interesting job — the play was a futuristic drama set in the twenty-first century , and the director said she 'd have a chance to really let her imagination run riot on the styles .
15 She said she 'd have a sherry , a nebulous drink itself , so I poured her as dark and sweet a one as I could find in the little tight tiny rows of sinister bottles , and while she drank it I put on trousers and sweater .
16 Mummy just said she 'd have a do , she 'd have a go .
17 And that 's how it started and it was really just you know we said we 'd do a bit of fund raising and I think the men were pretty sceptical of you know they thi they thought we might fight over the first tin of beans or whatever .
18 He was and because he was getting on in years and er did n't get out as much as usual , my husband said we 'd get a television for him and we had a black and white television
19 I said we 'd need a table of your own then
20 They said they 'd give a lot of help .
21 ‘ One of the people I talked to was a salesman for Allied Dunbar and said they 'd do a great job .
22 But it was so costly so they said they 'd get a second hand one .
23 ‘ He said he 'd stuff a mattress with it ! ’ whispered Gabriel hoarsely .
24 Carver said he 'd love a cup and carefully chose a stool to perch on well away from the chairs round the table .
25 but they 'd got some people coming and were very relieved when he said he 'd get a minicab to Reading .
26 He offered drinks and Morgan said he 'd have a double Scotch .
27 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
28 Bob said he 'd have a chairman , yes , to er , pull the whole thing together .
29 John Mackay said he 'd draft a leaflet , and I 've just done one myself , knowing how busy John is , and feeling also a sense of urgency about this , that we need to get ourselves better known .
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