Example sentences of "one bit [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since only one bit at a time can be sent , we could not send the 8-bit binary number : all at once until we had eight separate telephone lines and this would be obviously impractical .
2 The element of time is a chief cause of those difficulties in economic investigations which make it necessary for man with his limited powers to go step by step ; breaking up a complex question , studying one bit at a time , and at last combining his partial solutions into a more or less complete solution of the whole riddle .
3 do n't forget when they 're added when they 're added you can do them one bit at a time .
4 And you do something pretty clever with it usually but if they 're just added , one bit at a time .
5 to start with erm same as any any job you do stripping an engine whatever you like when you first do it you go through very slowly one bit at a time to make sure you 're doing everything right and then
6 Okay , and you 've done , you 've done that on one bit of the fraction , so you must do it on the top as well .
7 If one bit of the brook is cleared and not the rest it just creates a problem somewhere else .
8 One bit of the letter I did n't like was the comment about strengthening the 1979 Act which , more properly should be abolished altogether .
9 Cakes , you we that 's lemon peel and that 's how all these oranges were cut in halves , scooped out the orange and then all put in , one bit in the other .
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