Example sentences of "one of the [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 The balance between biceps and triceps development is perhaps one of the most difficult to achieve in physique development .
2 The conference which begins today is one of the most difficult for the Tories since Mrs Thatcher came to power .
3 One of the most difficult matches we have ever been asked to play , ’ confided Sir Alf Ramsey in June , 1973 , his apprehension understandable despite being able to call upon the vast experience of Bobby Moore , Alan Ball and Martin Peters .
4 One of the most difficult decisions he was faced with in recent years was whether or not to sell the foods business , particularly as it involved disposing of Cadbury 's Cocoa , the product with which his great-grandfather launched the company .
5 Lofoten is the most beautiful place I have known , yet I find it one of the most difficult places to write about .
6 Two very different ways of launching two of the most uncommon cars you will ever see and at one of the most difficult times ever to hit the motor industry .
7 Yet , even without this complication , people-movement was already one of the most difficult parts of 1992 .
8 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
9 I 've left the question of accessibility of the venue until last , not because it 's less important but because it 's one of the most important considerations and impinges on one of the most difficult tasks any event organiser has to face : getting the right number of the right people to come to it .
10 The origin of the sexual process remains one of the most difficult problems in biology .
11 One of the most difficult things for modern parents is to remind ourselves that we must maintain a life of our own .
12 Fresco painting , one of the oldest pictorial techniques , also presents one of the most difficult restoration and preservation challenges .
13 Kant , Immanuel ( 1724–1804 ) Although one of the most difficult of all philosophers to read , Kant is one of the most important for theologians to examine .
14 This in turn creates one of the most difficult problems of all , a personal one which many government servants , and agents or consultants must feel .
15 It is one of the most difficult types of music to record .
16 One of the most difficult aspects of producing material to deal with the Social Security Act was the timing of its production and despatch in advance of the Act coming into force in April 1988 , and the constraints which made purposeful timing difficult .
17 This is probably one of the most difficult factors for the young diabetic to accept and undoubtedly a great advantage of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is that it permits the patient greater flexibility in relation to the timing of meals with manual boluses of insulin 30 minutes beforehand .
18 The fact is that most parents find discipline one of the most difficult parts of their job ; not a few find it an impossible task — especially at particular periods of their children 's lives .
19 This proved to be one of the most difficult tasks .
20 For those who rear children , one of the most difficult tasks if not the most difficult , is learning the art of instilling and developing in the young mind that mysterious thing which we call the conscience .
21 Perhaps it is one of the most difficult things in life .
22 I think colour is one of the most difficult things to use .
23 However , it is worth noting that this task of leading housegroups is one of the most difficult in the whole church and it should not be assumed that everyone will be able to do it .
24 ‘ Technically , it 's one of the most difficult things I 've had to do because his music is based on repeating rhythms that lock together to create composite melodies .
25 At best this will always be a compromise-which explains why this is one of the most difficult aspects of learning to fly .
26 The final move is to turn around , taking the model with you , as before , and you will be performing one of the most difficult of all hovering manoeuvres-the nose-in circle .
27 The rolling stall turn is one of the most difficult manoeuvres and it should be apparent that it requires a clean , high powered , helicopter .
28 I have never said that Just Do It was the hardest route in the world — it 's one of the most difficult , and certainly the hardest of its type — that 's all .
29 Close to tears , the 34-year-old told viewers that going public was one of the most difficult things he 'd ever had to do .
30 ONE of the most prominent back-handers in the game — and one of the most difficult for the authorities to rumble .
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