Example sentences of "who have be involved in " in BNC.

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1 We hope that part of its brief will be to research the views of children , relatives and adopters who have been involved in both open and more traditional adoptions .
2 Most of the humans who have been involved in rescues of dolphins or small whales such as pilot whales will readily admit that it is an emotional and moving experience .
3 I would like to hear from women who are now or who have been involved in prostitution .
4 Points to stress include stability , an encouraging and positive attitude to education , parents or relatives who have been involved in similar work , and an enthusiastic attitude to hard work .
5 It is entirely wrong to assume that older women , who have been involved in employment during their lives , should experience retirement as any more or less significant than it is for older men .
6 Among some people who have been involved in negotiations at Geneva on laws-of-war matters there is a genuine concern that any neat set of rules limiting the use of nuclear weapons in one way or another might have the unfortunate effects either of weakening deterrence ; or else , contrariwise , of seeming to legitimise such uses of nuclear weapons as are not covered in any agreement ; or else of being nothing more than a paper accord , which would be of little real value in a conflict .
7 Peace and order on the empirical plane is established and maintained through a series of tultulan , ‘ collective discussions ’ , in which the unruly emotions of those who have been involved in quarrelling ( garisugan , ‘ mutually aggressive acts ’ ) are brought back until order and peace , uway , is restored .
8 Local schools , who have been involved in a railway poster competition to design images reflecting 150 years of local rail travel , will receive their first class family rail travel prizes from InterCity and the WSR at the same time at Taunton .
9 Many Hollywood denizens are businessmen who have been involved in politics for years .
10 Having elaborated the paradoxical conditions of historicity , of any history or totalization , Derrida himself has been particularly concerned to analyse those such as Husserl , Heidegger or Levinas , who have been involved in investigations of time and temporality .
11 It er does n't have to be a problem related to college , any problem you 've got er come and see me , it 's as well to take advantage of it cos those of you who have been involved in legal wranglings before will it 's quite an expensive business , so
12 We would like to thank the many doctors and scientists in the United Kingdom and abroad who have been involved in research into nutrition and obesity .
13 All of us who have been involved in trying to increase employment in Northern Ireland know the damage that terrorism does to our chances of achieving that aim .
14 It involves predominantly young people who have been involved in taking vehicles without consent for many years .
15 In this Update , we hear from some of those who have been involved in the first year of the general SVQ pilot : students , teachers , lecturers , and trainers , as well as senior staff in colleges , schools , and training centres .
16 As we near the end of this fist piloting year , we at SCOTVEC would like to extend our congratulations and thanks to all those who have contributed to its success : the teachers , lecturers , and trainers , the pupils , students , and trainees , and all those who have been involved in planning and implementing the new awards .
17 ( e ) Conflicts of interest Where firms involved in an amalgamation have previously acted for clients who have been involved in litigation against each other , the amalgamated firm must not accept instructions to act for any of those clients unless they are able to erect and maintain effective " Chinese Walls " and : ( 1 ) none of the solicitors involved are professionally embarrassed by continuing to act ; ( 2 ) all the clients have given their consent ; ( 3 ) those clients have received full and frank independent advice before giving their consent ; and ( 4 ) such continuing to act can be shown to be in the best interests of the clients .
18 However , the vendors are likely to resist giving extensive warranties since it is the managers , not they , who have been involved in the day-to-day running of the company .
19 The meeting had been called by the Premier Division club 's majority shareholders , Hamish and George Deans , who have been involved in a bitter dispute with fellow club directors .
20 Well obviously it 's er really hard-going when it 's you 're own people from your own station , er very er close station and obviously we know a lot of people er who have been involved in the accident , but the moral of the men is excellent .
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