Example sentences of "who had [adv] [vb pp] themselves " in BNC.

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1 In April 1946 Otto Grotewohl , the SPD leader in the eastern zone , complied with the Soviet wish to unite his party with the Communists , who had also re-formed themselves in 1945 and were hoping to widen their appeal .
2 Höchstetter , Daniel Ulstat , and Hans Lonner , came acting as agents for the outwardly prosperous merchant company " David Haug , Hans Langnauer , and Mitverwandte " who had also involved themselves in mining .
3 They were smiling , willing , charming , but they looked like a family from a breakfast cereal commercial who had somehow found themselves in the middle of a real occasion .
4 And then Lord Pugh distributed the hands of the dead to those who had most distinguished themselves — to be wrought upon patiently over many years in their cells with scrimshaw designs .
5 Others who had coped well enough to begin with on those scanty mill wages , who had even picked themselves up and patched things together , the first time that demon of bad trade had halved their weekly pay ; the first time there had been sickness and doctors ' bills to eat up anything they had been able to put by during the good times — never much ; the first time a husband had suffered injury at the mill or the foundry , which meant no weekly pay-packet at all .
6 The two subjects in the eight-month restriction study who had already limited themselves to 6 hours did not benefit from the regime , and reverted to their own established norms .
7 There was a widespread feeling in 1951 that at any moment the Chinese , who had already identified themselves in US eyes as aggressors in Korea , might extend their intervention to Vietnam .
8 So the literary set , many of them agnostic or hostile to religion , ranged behind Lord David , while those who had already committed themselves , together with those who esteemed him as a scholar , voted for E. K. Chambers .
9 ‘ to help educate local residents who had suddenly found themselves members of a community health clinic board .
10 It seemed to me at the time that the teachers of science at school , who had certainly shown themselves to be opposed to me were , if not actually off their trolleys , a trifle on the demented side and undoubtedly strangers to coolness .
11 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
12 Thus , Sabino Arana invents the name Euskadi for the country of the people who had long given themselves , and been given , a collective name ( Basques , Gascons or whatever ) , but without feeling the need for the sort of country , state or nation Arana had in mind .
13 The argument was both flattering and convenient — so convenient that the middle classes were inclined to take it over from the aristocrats ( who had long fancied themselves a superior race ) for internal as well as international purposes : the poor were poor because they were biologically inferior and conversely , if citizens belonged to ‘ lower races ’ , it was no wonder that they stayed poor and backward .
14 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
15 It was noted earlier that some physics students had had difficulty choosing between science and arts at A level , and these students , like those who had interests such as reading or music , were usually more broad-minded than those who had always regarded themselves as scientists ; for example
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