Example sentences of "been listening to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That would have made an impression at a literary party , but the old trout just replied , ‘ Silly boy , I do n't think you 've been listening to a word I said ! ’
2 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
3 ’ Oh , Bill , you have n't been listening to a word I said ! ’
4 One is left wondering whether it was a dream or one really had been listening to a man whose clothes and surroundings were obviously of little importance but who knew more Latin and Greek than one ever had , could quote the classics and poetry , would have one lost in the depths of philosophy , someone who was probably in a Gaelic world of his own and was translating into English for the benefit of his listener although the learning had largely been gathered in that language .
5 ‘ I 've also been listening to a lot of Glenn Branca recently .
6 I had been listening to a lot of songs in very different styles , quite consciously , to try to get a little more inspiration for when we went into the studio .
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