Example sentences of "been able [verb] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since those days I have sometimes wished that I had been able to record on tape the conversations I had with Gilbert Harding , who was an intellectual .
2 For Hardy , who had written in a letter to Thomas Macquoid , ‘ I am glad you like Tess — though I have not been able to put on paper all that she is , or was , to me ’ , it was ‘ the beginning of the end of his career as a novelist ’ .
3 On the eve of their presentation to the Women 's International Professional Council , a group of British tennis writers , plus two from France , were summoned to hear Gerry Smith suggest that all they really wanted to do was to give the women players the same sort of voice in the game as the men ; that they had no intention of tearing the women 's game apart and that if they had been able to carry on negotiations quietly and in confidence , there would have been no problems .
4 He said the soldier told him he had been struck a glancing blow by the car , but that he had not been knocked over and afterwards had been able to continue on duty .
5 Up to 1946 , Truman had been able to rely on support from both Democrats and Republicans in dealing with the Soviet Union .
6 For over 20 years mums have been able to rely on Calpol to relive their children 's aches and pains , fevers and teething troubles .
7 Manuel had not been able to improve on par the first day but everyone knew he was capable of making up a lot of leeway with one of his famous ‘ charges . ’
8 Both bodies have been able to comment on draft PPGs and MPGs and have secured a number of improvements to their content .
9 They have been able to work on problems not in order to satisfy an authoritative teacher , but because the problems are intrinsically interesting and challenging .
10 She had been experiencing considerable feelings of grief about her husband and had been able to cry on occasions .
11 For the first time , the ruling Christian Democrats — mainstay of every government since the war — have not been able to trade on fears of Italy 's communists , once the largest Communist Party in the West .
12 As a result BIS has been able to focus on service provision and customer care and support , and the development of an attractive portfolio of gateways to third party services .
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