Example sentences of "been force into [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor recognized the signs of an unstable metabolism that had been forced into accelerated decay .
2 WHILE the economy has performed its own high-wire act , news reaches me of a circus whose partners have been forced into personal bankruptcy .
3 On the one hand we can see it as a master stroke of the Devil : Christians and humans everywhere have been forced into private enclaves cut off from the public world and each other .
4 Over the years councils had been forced into deep conflict with Scottish ministers over matters which were too often more akin to right-wing dogma than to relevance .
5 Prospective Labour MP for the town Alan Milburn said : ‘ Hundreds of people have been forced into dire straits because the town has been so badly hit by the Government inspired economic slump ’
6 As it is , I have been forced into positive action , into vitality and life . ’
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