Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] members of " in BNC.

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1 My ‘ dream-girl ’ was still there , but had now been joined by members of her family .
2 The new unit , established with funding from the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , has been formed from members of both SWAPO and the South African military — the former rival forces in the independence war .
3 The particular organisations which will benefit have been nominated by members of the families of the tree who were
4 In fact the ambassador had been attacked by members of the Abu Nidal faction , who had long severed connections with the PLO , but a small detail like that was not enough to deter the Israelis .
5 ‘ First : get somebody to check out the young strokeplayer and the promising offspinner who have been recommended to members of your committee .
6 The Party has long been dominated by members of the Sunni Arab minority , who have shown little patience with the Kurds of the north or the Shiite Arabs of the south .
7 It called on the government " to acknowledge publicly that extrajudicial executions , torture and other serious human rights violations had been committed by members of the security forces and others acting apparently on their behalf or with their acquiescence " [ see p. 38663 for Amnesty visit ] .
8 The occupants of the car have been named as members of the Flannery and Warmington families from Blackbird Leys in Oxford .
9 In fact , they had been organized by members of the Ulster Protestant Volunteers .
10 Over the year considerable cooperative effort has been made by members of the PSC , the Inns and the CLE which has resulted in the development of a fair and equitable selection scheme .
11 In the past four years at least nine books have been produced by members of the department , including Stephen Priest 's The British Empiricists ( Penguin 1990 ) and Theories of the Mind ( Penguin 1991 ) , Geoffrey Madell 's Mind and Materialism ( Edinburgh University Press 1988 ) , Vincent Hope 's Virtue by Consensus : The Moral Philosophy of Hutcheson , Hume and Adam Smith ( Oxford University Press , 1989 ) , Vinit Haksar 's Indivisible Selves and Moral Practice ( Edinburgh University Press , 1991 ) , and William Charlton 's Philosophy and Christian Belief ( Sheed and Ward , 1988 ) and The Analytic Ambition ( Basil Blackwell , 1991 ) .
12 He suggested that , given the nature of the wounds , it seemed that knuckledusters and razors had been used on members of the public .
13 Remarkably , the unit has been forged from members of both the former SWAPO guerrillas and the South-African backed koevert counter-insurgency force , who only two years ago were locked in a ferocious bush war .
14 The severity of the sentences served to defuse the explosive ramifications of a case which had been portrayed by members of the black community as a latter-day lynching .
15 REAR FUSELAGE section of Fairey Firefly I PP566 has been recovered by members of the South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum ( SYAM ) at Firbeck .
16 He has been supported by members of the Birmingham Six and Guildford Four , whose cases he fought .
17 Once the body had been viewed by members of the Privy Council and others to confirm that life had ceased and that the king was dead , word went out to summon the surgeons , apothecaries and wax chandlers ‘ to do their duties in spurging , cleansing , bowelling , searing , embalming , furnishing and dressing with spices the said corpse ’ .
18 Judge John Slack was told the hunt had been followed by members of the League Against Cruel Sports .
19 This report has been compiled by members of the West Belfast Economic Forum — the name assumed by the organisers of the ‘ Is West Belfast Working ? ’
20 During her time at Brentwoods , although she had never actually gone to a cinema with another man , she had often entertained or been entertained by members of the opposite sex , usually at lunchtime , occasions which she had afterwards described in detail to Brian , much to his amusement .
21 Bibit and four companions were believed to have been assisted by members of the Young Officers Union ( YOU ) , a shadowy right-wing military organisation similar to RAM .
22 At least six Atomic Energy Commission scientists have now been identified as members of the strongly anti-nuclear movement .
23 Barnes , vice-president and general manager of Philippine Geothermal — a subsidiary of the Union Oil Company of California ( Unocal ) — and director of the American Chamber of Commerce , was believed to have been abducted by members of the Red Scorpions , a breakaway faction from the rebel communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) .
24 The moves have been criticised by members of the national Association of Community Health Councils who say the plan could backfire .
25 On Nov. 24 the Iraqi News Agency ( INA ) denied as " fabricated " a claim broadcast by the Voice of America ( VOA ) earlier that day , that eight Iraqi schoolchildren had been killed by members of the Kuwaiti resistance to avenge the deaths of Kuwaiti children .
26 Local ANC members claimed that he had been killed by members of the Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) who were training Inkatha youths locally .
27 In 1902 he was sent as Vice-Consul to Belgrade , and was left in charge of the Legation , with the acting rank of Second Secretary , when the Minister was withdrawn in protest after King Alexander and Queen Draga had been butchered by members of the Black Hand .
28 Elections to the National Assembly were now to take place through the direct and secret vote of the population — deputies having previously been elected by members of each of the country 's 14 provincial assemblies ( which were popularly elected ) from among their own members .
29 The admission of the taxpayers ' children to the school therefore did not involve the school in losing full fees which would otherwise have been paid by members of the public for the places which the taxpayers ' children occupied .
30 We are the descendants of the first wave of life-formation ; all others have been devoured by members of our ‘ generation ’ .
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