Example sentences of "have proved to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In several countries local ‘ curriculum implementers ’ of one species or another have been appointed and in the main they have proved to be conscientious and down-to-earth professionals who do an exceptionally useful job .
2 People not directly involved with a particular team can contribute suggestions which on several occasions have proved to be helpful . ’
3 These have proved to be such a success that there is now a virtual two month long waiting list at Tyseley with booking now stretching into April next year .
4 The purges have proved to be one of the most hotly debated topics for historians because , due to the harsh censorship and killing of many opponents of Stalin , there is a lack of opinion and primary sources which show how they affected the whole country , and nobody could read Stalin 's obviously warped mind to find out his reasons for this holocaust .
5 Anthony Clement has played superbly of late , as have Scott Gibbs and Aled Williams , who have proved to be two fine acquisitions .
6 A number of different drugs have been claimed to prevent sickling in vivo , but none have proved to be effective without unacceptably severe side-effects .
7 However , the Commerce and Industry Group of the Law Society does offer a range of lectures and meetings which have proved to be useful .
8 They have proved to be adaptable to a wide variety of climates and environments , able to tolerate heat and cold and with a high resistance to disease .
9 Retailers expect a bigger improvement in June , but their expectations have proved to be over-optimistic in the past two months .
10 Search unemployment can be seen as part of the annual turnover of the job market — firms rid themselves of workers who have proved to be unproductive or unsatisfactory in some way , and workers quit jobs which have failed to meet their expectations or which were intended only as stop-gaps in the first place .
11 No logical contradiction is involved in claiming that all observed ravens have proved to be black and also that not all ravens are black .
12 This can only be achieved by working prospectively on the child 's future environment and by deciding which new experiences may be introduced to compensate for those which , in the past , have proved to be inadequate for language development .
13 The main reason why there is currently no overall theory of language comprehension is that the relatively simple models which have been empirically tested have proved to be inadequate .
14 On various occasions the resources of the EC have proved to be inadequate to meet the growing demands placed upon the budget .
15 Maris Peer , Maris Piper , Pentland Crown , Pentland Dell and Pentland Squire have proved to be suitable .
16 The results of putting these services out to competitive tender have proved to be controversial with proponents claiming significant improvements in efficiency and critics claiming a substantial worsening in service quality .
17 All attempts at providing such a measure have proved to be abortive .
18 In many areas where they have been established , staying on rates have risen and they have proved to be popular with students and staff alike for a variety of reasons .
19 Women have proved to be astute in business .
20 Coun Brady said : ‘ Sheltered schemes such as the ones at Milford and Glastonbury houses have proved to be some of the housing department 's biggest success stories .
21 In The Art Newspaper No. 16 March 1992 p. 6 we published the fears of some art historians that this exhibition might have been infiltrated by fakes ; in the event these fears have proved to be groundless and the show has been enjoying great success .
22 John Price ( 1968 ) has made two suggestions : perhaps temporary moods of pessimistic caution have proved to be advantageous in avoiding predators , or perhaps depressive behaviour has evolved as part of the complex behaviour which maintains the stability of man 's community .
23 The Apollo missions have confirmed that the Moon is lifeless ; all the hopes that Galileo 's observations promised of another inhabited world have proved to be false .
24 … Its report restored to the public a sense of security , which had been badly shaken by Lord Hewart 's book , and which subsequent events have proved to be false .
25 The second , having to do only with the reproduction of the page in Unver 's book , is that it is necessarily small-scale , so that a number of the including several of the potentially most interesting ones , have proved to be unreadable .
26 When even measurements of space and time have proved to be relative , and the sub-atomic world to be as insubstantial as the realm of Platonic ideas , is it perhaps time to recognize that each of us lives in his own reality ?
27 Even the supposedly rigid ‘ external financing limits ’ imposed by the post-1979 Conservative government in Britain have proved to be flexible in practice ( Heald and Steel 1981 ) , with targets being adjusted when it became apparent that they would not be met .
28 The American adventure movie Raiders of the lost ark and its sequels , in which actor Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones , an heroic archaeologist , have proved to be more than just financially successful productions .
29 Implicit links have proved to be difficult for the machine to locate automatically but can be entered manually by the user in most hyper-text systems and in small-scale applications can provide very rich structures .
30 Radiotherapy has no proved value in the treatment of gastric cancer and while there have been numerous trials of various chemotherapy regimens , none have proved to be valuable either as an adjuvant treatment or for advanced disease .
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