Example sentences of "have already [vb pp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 House prices have already begun to fall across the country with the most recent statistics showing the Midlands and the North joining London and the South-east .
2 In addition , the Eastern and Western boards have already begun to buy in cardiac operations from Great Britain this year and the Northern and Southern boards are expected to do likewise shortly .
3 In anticipation of Moses ' demands , some vendors including Computer Associates and systems management start-up OpenVision Technologies Inc ( UX No 434 ) , have already begun talking to Moses about product compliance .
4 Expert groups in many Western countries have already decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results .
5 Notwithstanding this , a number of local authorities have already sought to act as ‘ honest brokers ’ between different environmental interests , principally by producing collaborative land use plans and convening steering committees composed of interested parties .
6 The side effects usually blamed on grades are , in fact , those we have already seen associated with other aspects of assessment systems — emphasis on the easily-measured , unfairness , standardization , competition , extrinsic rewards .
7 Other commentators ( Hartung 1952 ; De Gré 1970 [ though written in 1941 ] ; Horowitz 1961 ) tended to the position we have already seen adhered to by Grunwald and Hinshaw ; that the sociology of knowledge was illegitimate when it refused to recognize the primacy of epistemology in dealing with validity and competition between knowledge systems .
8 With the utmost economy , of the kind we have already seen used to such effect in other Hebrew narratives , he reports the battle .
9 The two strategies echo the structure of the argument which we have already seen used to legitimate public power and private power associated with the ordinary ownership of property .
10 Hundreds of protestors have already started to converge on the area around Horton General Hospital .
11 Teachers whose fourth-year pupils have already started working towards the 1994 exams , are working blind as it is impossible to know how these levels will be viewed until after the results are published .
12 CCG are recruiting about 70 staff to run the site , and some have already started working on site security and other services during the mobilisation phase .
13 At the moment , because it is coming up to Christmas and I have already started going to dinners , it is a Principles ' jacket .
14 Finally , because some software houses have already started to write in copyguards that can detect Happy Chips , it has a ‘ slow it down ’ mode which prevents the copyguard from spotting the intruder .
15 To this end I have already started talking to as many people as I can in the local area , with some good response , but now wish to approach a wider audience — hence the appeal to you .
16 By evicting smelly plastic items ( see p 174 ) you have already got rid of the worst de-gassers .
17 Given that in the harmonisation process we have already got rid of the half crown and of the threepenny bit , what is the emotional difficulty about changing the pound coin to the ecu ?
18 Bath have already put pay to two Central South sides ; they demolished Oxford 82:9 and then hit Hereford for 48 points .
19 What was peculiar about my own circumstances I have already tried to describe in the hope of finding and revealing some useful clues .
20 Members of Maghull Chapel have already helped pay for a well to be dug to give the village drinking water .
21 Japan 's exporters have already had to go through a punishing belt-tightening , prompted by the yen 's steep rise against the dollar after 1985 .
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