Example sentences of "'s almost [prep] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry to say but I think that we 're talking about this education day at the beginning of October and I mean god knows we 've known this is coming for , it 's almost as if we 've got to the brink of , you know like lemmings just about to throw ourselves off the cliff and we do n't know why we 're going to do it .
2 It 's almost as if we think subconsciously well we 've got that little bit extra , let's go for it .
3 It 's almost as if they were looking to make themselves the most hated and hunted men on earth . ’
4 ‘ It 's almost as if they 've been told to keep their distance . ’
5 It 's almost as if you want to believe it . ’
6 It 's almost as if you have to convince yourself that you did n't do it . ’
7 It 's almost as if he paces in the corner of the office waiting to get his hands on me — and he gets jealous when I 'm writing about someone else . ’
8 It 's almost as if he 's eating them . ’
9 It 's almost as if he knows where he 's going , Bernice thought .
10 It 's almost as if he has no point of comparison .
11 You can see into the mind of a normal , everyday man who has somehow become a murderer , he works in a way which is hard to understand , as everything he does is due to his obsession , which makes whatever he does perfectly acceptable to him , it 's almost as if he ca n't help it .
12 It 's almost as if it 's a completely different team , that do n't even talk to one another .
13 you know it 's almost as if it 's like er you know a sort of negative thing to , to , to find out about somebody erm so erm yeah I mean I think I , so I think you 'll , I think you 'll , you 'll of necessity have to try and do something which captures this , this sort of informal talk because as soon as people commit themselves to writing they 're gon na be erm they 're gon na be
14 Whatever the activity , I still see this as the old style … it 's teacher-led from that point of view in that they rely on me to start them off and I mean it 's almost as if I stand there with a gun and say ‘ Go ! ’
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