Example sentences of "were more likely to be " in BNC.

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1 Women were more likely to be consumers of healthy alternatives .
2 But on some parts of the M25 we were more likely to be met by demonstrators protesting against the road itself .
3 Women , being closer to nature because of their biology , were more likely to be overcome by powerful feelings , and the burden therefore fell upon women to control themselves , for their good and for the good of all around them .
4 Impressionistic evidence provided in a number of s–dies of the early Nazi Movements supports the suggestion that those entering the Party earlier rather than later were more likely to be strong anti-Semites .
5 In the USA some interesting research ( Zuravin and Watson , 1987 ) has been conducted into anonymous reports of child physical abuse , which indicated that reports made by anonymous sources were more likely to be unfounded than reports made by professionals and nonprofessionals .
6 those with difficulty looking after themselves , the confused , the incontinent , the blind , the deaf , and the bad tempered were more likely to be in such homes than others .
7 In subsequent proceedings for false imprisonment , it was admitted that the sole reason for arresting her was the constable 's opinion that ‘ police inquiries were more likely to be fruitful in clearing up the case if Mrs. Mohammed-Holgate were compelled to go to the police station to be questioned there ’ .
8 Standards were more likely to be improved , it was said , if parents had a greater choice of schools , and the new Technology Colleges were now to be among the choices on offer for those who lived in their catchment area .
9 We can now ask whether the action sub-samples were more likely to be still at home at six months and l2 months from referral ( as one would expect , if the project were to be accounted successful ) than the control sub-samples .
10 It turned out that victorious females selected small cocks , and small birds were more likely to be in good condition .
11 The Data Protection Registrar , in publicising a closing date of May 1986 for the receipt of registrations , had no idea how many data users ought to be registering ; in the event the flow of registrations was far slower than had been hoped , but by the end of 1986 it was clear that the higher guesses were more likely to be right .
12 Courses for professionals were more likely to be more specific , while larger authorities were more likely to carry out more specific training and more management training .
13 Management training was mentioned most often by County and Metropolitan libraries , community relations were more likely to be mentioned by London , Metropolitan and Welsh libraries , and computer and technical training was most in evidence in Inner London .
14 Secret eaters were more likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies , have severe eating disorders and be more concerned about their addiction .
15 ‘ In the past century bishops were more likely to be consulted by the government .
16 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
17 Younger people 's views were more likely to be favourable , especially with credit cards , mail order and store accounts .
18 Staff were more likely to be reduced to selling snacks during break , which was much less profitable than computing services and much more demeaning for academics .
19 In general , children under 5 years were more likely to be upset at the birth , but neither sex of the child nor separation at the birth determined the reaction .
20 Davies and Brooke found that model eggs that were placed in the host 's nest in the morning were more likely to be ejected than those placed there in the afternoon .
21 They were much less likely than younger people to be interviewed by job centre staff , and , if interviewed , they were more likely to be told their prospects of getting work were nil .
22 At one level , then , leading abolitionists in parliament came to the conclusion that the language of practicality , of plausible calculations about population increase in the future in the West Indies if importations from Africa were stopped , were more likely to be effective on their colleagues .
23 A national survey of teachers ' attitudes to equal opportunities found that men were more likely to be opposed to promoting equal opportunities than women , but that differences in subject taught were more important than the sex of the teacher in determining his or her attitude .
24 The latter teachers were more likely to be non-specialists .
25 An inquiry into the referral and suspension of Afro-Caribbean pupils from Birmingham schools recorded that they were almost four times more likely to be suspended from secondary schools as white pupils ; even when the main reason for expulsion was common to both white and black pupils , the latter were more likely to be suspended and the inquiry alluded to a considerable level of hostility , mistrust and ‘ cultural misunderstanding ’ as between black pupils and white teachers ( CRE , 1985 ; see also Driver , 1979 ) .
26 If children were shown how to learn rather than told what to learn , the skills and processes which apply to all subject areas were more likely to be mastered .
27 Nevertheless , good research departments whose staff had conceptual ability as well as research skills would be needed more than ever , and these were more likely to be found in the large , broad-based search firms .
28 For example , the concentration of crime in the lower social class , which was the starting point for all the main sociological theories , could be explained simply by the fact that members of the lower social class were more likely to be selected for labelling .
29 There were interesting differences in the sociodemographic background of men and women in the same grades — men in the higher grades were more likely to be married and have dependent children than women , whereas the opposite pattern was observed in the lower grades .
30 Huge grants of land to the church became rarer ( but so did the chances of resuming what had once been granted ) ; from the middle of the century , gifts were more likely to be of consuetudines from ecclesiastical lands or of other tolls and dues .
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