Example sentences of "were make responsible for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 In the interests of maintaining " fair competition " between public and private providers and the efficient use of capital , a system of capital charges was introduced into the NHS for the first time , and all hospitals were made responsible for meeting the interest and depreciation costs of their existing assets and new investment .
2 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
3 William Berkeley , William Ovedale and Roger Kelsale were made responsible for victualling the ships , and were also authorized to receive all those prepared to make their peace with the new regime except Woodville himself , Dorset ( the only indication that he might have joined his uncle ) and Robert Ratcliffe , a former associate of Rivers at Calais .
4 The courts and tribunals were made responsible for ensuring the smooth running of electoral campaigns and equal treatment of candidates .
5 In 1325 escheators were made responsible for keeping duplicates of inquisitions of diem clausit and of returns to chancery ; in 1326 a calendar of Contrariant lands was begun , a roll of serjeanties in various counties compiled and further auditors were appointed .
6 There have also been symbolic measures ( such as restoring pay beds in NHS facilities ) , minor cuts ( such as withdrawal of supplementary benefits in vacations for students ) , some marginal privatization ( from 1986 employers were made responsible for paying sickness benefit for the first 28 weeks of an employee 's absence from work ) , tougher criteria ( people have to be ‘ actually seeking work ’ to be entitled to receive unemployment benefit and since 1 988 housing benefit is paid to fewer households ) , and an increase in the numbers relying on private medical insurance ( from 4 to 8 per cent since 1979 ) .
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