Example sentences of "were prepared [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Urgent or not , Sladen was experienced enough to give them thirty seconds of plati-tudes while they kicked their briefcases under the table , tugged at their waistcoats — both MI6 men wore them even on a hot June day — and shuffled their papers , although few of them were prepared to put much paperwork on view .
2 The majority , however , were adamantly opposed to anything which weakened their absolute control over their crews and were prepared to take any action which would ensure that this was upheld , the most effective method being the recruitment of non-union crews which were prepared to sail at lower rates and under worse conditions than union men .
3 They were prepared to take this risk with their careers and with their lives .
4 The police , it was suggested , were prepared to tackle any outbreaks of ‘ hooliganism ’ or ‘ counterrevolutionary ’ activity .
5 Employers were prepared to tolerate these rights and provisions in return for a profitable economic environment .
6 Establishments were obviously catering for a different market in the evening , and it can be assumed that customers were prepared to spend more time and to pay more for a different ‘ meal experience ’ .
7 On the other hand , if it was successful , they were prepared to commit more resources .
8 He was quite prepared to hail this as a ‘ great film ’ , for if critics were prepared to lavish that term ‘ on any half-chewed jumble of stills that comes in from abroad , then I am in favour of loosening up with it on the home front ’ .
9 Other members of the crew were prepared to admit some blame and accept temporary demotion or early retirement .
10 Not , they were n't members of ours and they were n't er skilled in the trade , but hey were just people who were prepared to work any way and and scrambled through as best they could .
11 While two companies were prepared to pay this cost for their searches , three others were less willing to do so .
12 Marie Claire had some novels about English girls lost in the desert at the mercy of proud sheikhs , but those girls were as proud as the sheikhs themselves and defiant too — at least until near the end of the story — and the sheikhs were prepared to make some concessions themselves by that time .
13 Other cities where papal government might have settled were on important trade routes which might have added to the pope 's powers and security : but Rome remained the favoured city of the popes and , in spite of all the difficulties of controlling the city , the senate and the people , the popes were prepared to suffer all sorts of indignities in order to stay in Rome .
14 Neither the Labour Party , the Left contributors to Tribune nor the pacifist elements centred around the ILP were prepared to believe these protestations .
15 Recently the fishermen warned agency bosses that they were prepared to fight any moves which would restrict their 300-year-old rights to free access to the port .
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