Example sentences of "were likely [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given the fact that less than 30 per cent of charges brought resulted in successful conviction ( when the rate for most other crimes was about 50 per cent ) , we may wonder how much substance there was in many of the accusations , or whether at times of political anxiety certain types of people were likely to be vulnerable to false accusations because they conformed to the popular stereotype of who a Jacobite was .
2 They landed at 0600 hours , unopposed by a German garrison satiated on Christmas fare ; the commando planners picking times for a strike force to land when the enemy were likely to be off-guard .
3 Care programming may come fairly low down the list of priorities for social services , especially as the 1992/93 community care plans were likely to be preoccupied with the other community care reforms to be instituted by April 1993 ( National Council for Voluntary Organisations , 1992 ) and because the first year of the plans was experimental and so they were probably cautious in their aims .
4 But very soon pressure from the vassals — and also , it may be , the simple fact that a good vassal 's children were likely to be good vassals themselves — made it common , then normal , and finally an inherent part of the feudal contract that the grant was heritable .
5 This view is summarized in a memorandum sent to embassies abroad by the Foreign Office early in 1945 , arguing for a necessary linkage of diplomatic commitments to economic strength , but going on to state that Britain 's looming economic problems were likely to be temporary : ‘ It must , however , be stressed that , given skill and good fortune , our financial difficulties will be acute only during the immediate post-war years .
6 Such hopes , however , were likely to be fragile .
7 However , other workers who studied the effect of gliclazide in diabetic subjects have felt that the beneficial effects of gliclazide on platelet function were likely to be due to its hypoglycaemic action rather than to any direct effect on haemostatic function ( Paton et al , 1982 b ) .
8 The course planned to use some experimental learning and group work exercises , both of which were likely to be new concepts to the participants .
9 Of these omissions , one quarter were inflected forms , one quarter were proper nouns , one sixth were hyphenated forms , one twelfth were misspellings and one quarter were not yet resolved , but were likely to be new words occurring since the dictionary was published .
10 I used to believe it was possible to make forecasts — market forecasts in particular — which were likely to be accurate .
11 Another general observation worth making is that , whereas in the past the majority of students at British colleges were likely to be male ( except perhaps on specialized vocational courses such as fashion design , hairdressing or nursing ) , higher and further education in Britain now attracts almost equal numbers of men and women students .
12 By contrast , many hardened black marketeers were likely to be untouched by the decree since they tended to move their rouble profits into property , gold or dollars .
13 If even Pogodin had become an advocate of reform , friends of the status quo were likely to be thin on the ground .
14 Gone are the days when you were likely to be alone on the rim path , but if the five miles escarpment is included as part of a longer circuit of the vast moorland , walkers seeking solitude will find their fair share — and a good test of their navigation skills .
15 Therefore , subjects of study required a broad approach which initially in Shearman 's view were likely to be local history , central government or local government issues .
16 Research published in 1962 showed that the lay members were likely to be active trades unionists and managerial workers ( McCorquodale , 1962 ) .
17 In conditions of general ‘ dollar shortage ’ the effects were likely to be significant .
18 And as it happened , we were likely to be able to go .
19 The absentees were likely to be senior pupils ; 2 out of 10 pupils in S1 were absent at least once in the survey week , but 4 out of 10 pupils in S5 .
20 He called on the international community " to come together to extend and co-ordinate its assistance " and warned delegates that although the Fund intended to adapt existing lending programmes to help those most affected by the crisis , notably the front-line states , oil-importing countries and the new democracies of eastern Europe , the costs of such finance were likely to be prohibitive .
21 After a reference by Dr Robert Chalmers to ‘ the innocence of the railway ’ because of its pastoral and innocent appearance in comparison with the more sophisticated railways using steam locomotives where any accidents were likely to be severe , it became known as the ‘ Innocent ’ Railway .
22 Before the campaign , between 50 and 60 per cent of medical students were likely to be unvaccinated .
23 The research also found that children who tended to withdraw following the sibling 's birth were likely to be hostile during the ensuing years and their relationship was often conflictual .
24 In the 1970s the average family size of graduate women at the time of interview ( 1.53 ) was considerably lower than the fertility of women with no further education ( 2.04 ) ( Cartwright 1978 ) and they were likely to be childless .
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