Example sentences of "were [verb] [prep] [adj] april " in BNC.

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1 When the Falklands were invaded on 2 April last year , they were given the weekend to pack and a police escort to the Dover ferry .
2 Winners of the RNLI 's 53rd national lottery were drawn on 30 April by Robin Guthrie , Chief Charity Commissioner for England and Wales .
3 If you were born before 6 April 1919 and were a married woman when you reached age 60 , having paid full NI contributions while working , you should contact your local Social Security office .
4 Contra leaders were threatening by late April that they would refuse to disarm and demobilize their forces until the Sandinista Popular Army ( EPS ) had begun to be demobilized and its High Command retired .
5 SOME 60 people , including ministers during the government of former president Alan Garcia Prez , parliamentarians , lawyers , trade unionists , journalists and a member of the judiciary , were detained on 6 April by the security forces after President Fujimori declared a state of emergency .
6 Full details of these general SVQs were announced in early April .
7 The " talks of experts " , involving the CDPP , FIDESz , the MDF , the FKgP , the MSzP , and the SzDSz , were held in late April and during May .
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