Example sentences of "n't appear to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While she was in awe of Prince Charles , deferring to his every decision , she did n't appear to be overcome by her surroundings .
2 The only disadvantage of the method is that it can not be used for certain solvents , such as alcohol , which do n't appear to be absorbed by Tenax .
3 The pilot did n't appear to be moving though .
4 At the moment he does n't appear to be sharing it with anyone . ’
5 Although the financial awards are great , it is a shame that today 's professionals do n't appear to be enjoying their sport .
6 Flap jacks do n't appear to be cooked and yet they 've been in the time they should have , I do n't know what 's happened , there you are there 's your drink do n't knock it over
7 It stopped , swaying as it hung below the air line , but it did n't appear to be damaged .
8 They do n't appear to be thinking about their chances of dying of aortic aneurysms or arteriosclerosis .
9 He did n't appear to be joking .
10 The box did n't appear to be hampered in any way by the ornamental rug draped roguishly over it , nor by the thief hanging by one arm from the lid .
11 This does n't appear to be causing them any harm , but is it natural behaviour ? , .
12 But they did n't appear to be causing him much in the way of alarm .
13 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
14 He certainly did n't appear to be overburdened with guilt about leaving the rest of his crew to do all the work .
15 I 'm a 27-year-old woman and I 've had a bald patch about the size of a 10 pence piece on the top of my head for about six weeks now and the hair does n't appear to be re-growing .
16 exams time , date , I think we 're having it the earliest of the lot , for some stupid reason because Mel does n't appear to be having them till late either .
17 I probably did n't appear to be concentrating .
18 The one oddity of the cut is the excessive width of the lower leg — in fact the trousers do n't appear to be tapered at all .
19 There 's no doubt that the Pertex will suffer from axes and crampons , and it flaps about horribly in a gale , but waterproofing does n't appear to be compromised by holes in the outer .
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