Example sentences of "n't mind if [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think they do n't mind if we trash some areas , ’ Biff had said .
2 ‘ Right , Sister Hennessy , if you could prepare Queenie — you do n't mind if we call you Queenie ?
3 You do n't mind if we leave early tomorrow morning ?
4 I do n't mind if they 've been , but if they 're waiting or
5 I 'm prepared to give things more of a go now , and I do n't mind if they fail .
6 I do n't mind if they have a go and miss .
7 They do n't mind if they play , but a lot of them want 's it , watch it on , watch cricket .
8 I do n't mind if you put them in there
9 shall I find out cos I think I 'll see Maria tonight , I 'm sure she wo n't mind if you come , to the party on Saturday
10 " I do n't mind if you hate me . "
11 Do n't like getting into disputes into arguments with schools but in our lessons I do n't mind if you count on your fingers .
12 Mrs. X said ‘ I do n't mind if you use my pots and pans ’ .
13 And try and personalise it , I do n't mind if you refer to any information that you might have gathered during the evening , a bit like I did with Andrew .
14 The hotelier does n't mind if you stay in your room .
15 I do n't mind if you write to all the tenants and say please do n't have foxes on your land , we do n't like it .
16 Fast cars do n't mind if you buy fast car magazines .
17 That 's Aaron 's I 'm sure he wo n't mind if you have a little bit
18 Now ladies , I do n't mind if you do n't cleanse properly or perhaps you do n't even tone but the moisturizer is the most important , from my point of view .
19 If you say , ‘ Just have a go , we do n't mind if you do n't do it first time ’ , a sensitive child will probably clam up .
20 I do n't mind if you do n't !
21 You do n't mind if I go , do you ? ’
22 You do n't mind if I throw you out now , do you , dear ?
23 Beuno does n't mind if I speak truthfully .
24 ‘ And you must n't mind if I take mine standing up , and with a pinch of salt .
25 ‘ So you wo n't mind if I take Felicity instead ? ’
26 Erm just just recap you do n't mind if I take note while your talking do you ?
27 Right I 'm convinced such a good breed and you very kindly rigged this Topper up for me so well you wo n't mind if I take it for a spin will you ?
28 ‘ You do n't mind if I invite Aunt Maureen ? ’
29 We always march in the parade on Armistice Sunday and this year erm I picked my poppy wreath up from the vic from vicarage and I said to the Vicar , you do n't mind if I wind some white poppies in this one do you , because it was the Earl Hague poppy you know .
30 She made some tea , she told me afterwards and stayed and stayed and stayed and he lived at Prindon and his mother was very very deaf and my mother got worried because he was going away the next day and she said to him , Len do n't you think you ought to spend the evening with your mother and he said , yes , I 'll go now and he ran off and he ran back again and he said , you do n't mind if I write to Ivy do you ?
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