Example sentences of "an exchange of [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 The objectives of these committees are to facilitate an exchange of views between the police and the wider community on issues of local concern ; to help resolve conflict between the police and dissenting sections of the community ; to encourage self-help and crime prevention activities ; and to educate or inform the public regarding everyday police matters ( Morgan , 1989 ) .
2 Carmella had not acknowledged her as she took her place , but an exchange of looks between Denis and his two younger brothers indicated that Noreen was going to be there no matter what .
3 This regulatory code is put to even greater effect when it is used to turn an exchange of missiles between rioters and police into a surreal game of football in which the rules have been deliberately bent to give the ‘ opposing team ’ an unfair advantage !
4 An Iraqi seaman was apparently killed in the northern part of the Gulf on Oct. 25 in an exchange of gunfire between an Iraqi tug-boat and two Iranian gunboats .
5 Geoffrey Marshall , commenting on the bureaucracy of the system says that " it comes to a climax with an exchange of reports between practically all parties capable of exchanging them . "
6 Details of Lord Young 's involvement emerge in an exchange of letters between him and Professor Smith on July 12 , 1988 — two days before he made his announcement to the House of Lords of the Rover sale .
7 This hare has been aroused by an exchange of letters between Donald Riegle , chairman of the Senate banking committee , and the SEC 's ambitious chairman , Richard Breeden .
8 Eupolemus , who was Judas Maccabaeus ' envoy to Rome in 161 B.C. , composed a work in which one could read an exchange of letters between the twelve-year-old Solomon and his client kings Vaphres of Egypt and Suron of Tyre ( Eusebius , Praep .
9 Appendices A and B will be kept up-to-date regularly by an exchange of letters between the Secretariat of ABI with various other parties to the Agreement .
10 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
11 Heterosexuality , once it is exposed as an exchange of women between men , reveals itself as a mediated form of homosexuality .
12 An exchange of ideas between the academic and business communities is encouraged by inviting senior managers to discuss the applicability and limitations of the concepts introduced in the courses .
13 A random example of this process can be seen in two lines from Wordsworth 's ‘ Intimations of Immortality ’ : Here the verse structure , especially the rhyme , together with the syntactic parallelism and the inverted semantic parallelism ( visionary gleam/glory … dream ) , creates an exchange of effect between the two lines , whereby each illuminates the other .
14 Our bodies and the world bump into one another and there is an exchange of energy between them .
15 The ambush had taken place in the southern front area , where an exchange of fire between the two sides to the conflict took place on March 13 , with each country accusing the other of opening fire .
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