Example sentences of "an eye to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Research being carried out with an eye to the development of new theory … is not in conflict with basic conceptual frameworks or methodological allegiances in the field as a whole .
2 Lord Taylor 's main point is to suggest that judges should pass sentence with an eye to the public 's expectations .
3 You must surely be right when you say in your editorial today ( ‘ Judging public mood ’ ) that judges should dispose of cases on their merits rather than , as Lord Chief Justice Taylor suggests , pass sentence with an eye to the public 's expectations .
4 Since the many responses will be presented in a statistical way ( that is in tabular form ) the well-designed schedule will be drafted with an eye to the presentation of the results in a clear and simple fashion .
5 It means having a respect for the past , concern for the present , and an eye to the future .
6 Craftsmen with an eye to the future like Benjamin would be quite likely to make fairly late marriages — there would be a lot of saving up to do first , and the better established one was , the better the chances of attracting a lady of some substance .
7 Such a community profile must have an eye to the future .
8 The RNLI must always have an eye to the future , anticipating the needs of sea rescue many years ahead .
9 Simon Draper , in particular , realised that as the Sex Pistols began to disintegrate it was Lydon who was ‘ the valuable commodity ’ , and that Virgin should be putting some effort into cultivating a relationship with him , with an eye to the future .
10 It has its own value , but should always be given with an eye to the future ’ ( 4 ) .
11 By having ‘ an eye to the future ’ the Catholic R.E .
12 She knew that he had an eye to the future , the farm was a desirable property .
13 Sunil Gulati , chairman of the competition , said : ‘ We will use this tournament with an eye to the World Cup . ’
14 Eusebius , the ‘ father of church history ’ and biographer of the first Christian emperor , commented in his Life of Constantine on the ‘ hypocrisy of people who crept into the church ’ with an eye to the emperor 's favour .
15 It looks very much as if the version in the manuscript came first and Purcell did some polishing before the piece was printed — in the treble clef , of course , with an eye to the market .
16 The sergeant had already mapped out in his own mind , with an eye to the wind , the speed of the flow and the amount of debris being brought down , the procession of spits , shoals , curves and pools where a heavy piece of flotsam would be likely to cast up , beginning immediately below the village of Moulden , which lay just below the Aurae Phiala enclosure .
17 The engineers at Audi , too , have cast an eye to the environment .
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