Example sentences of "an eye [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He cocked an eye speculatively over the rim .
2 We asked BBC producer and presenter Mike Edgar to pinpoint ten new Northern acts who 'd be worth keeping an eye on over the coming year .
3 Even so , many an intrepid user carted one from pillar to post while keeping an eye out for a mains socket .
4 Birdwatchers should keep an eye out for a variety of birds including capercaillies , crested tits and crossbills .
5 I was whistling a medley of Ellingtonia and keeping an eye out for a transport café for breakfast and feeling fairly pleased with myself .
6 Keep an eye out for the sport simulation freaks as well , most have a strong competitive streak .
7 However , seeing as I was in Rosslare that day , it amused me to keep an eye out for the car he 'd described .
8 I parked Armstrong on Soho Square and hoofed it round the corner into Dean Street , keeping an eye out for the fly-posters to see if anyone interesting was playing in the vicinity .
9 Fenella retrieved her plate , keeping an eye out for the fastest claw in the East End .
10 We have to keep out an eye er keep an eye , I do n't want any to keep an eye out for the erm
11 Know-how is all important — and it is quite typical for a deputy head following an advanced part-time degree in education management to sigh with relief at the start of a module about , for instance , the management of assessment and to say that this was precisely what his head — with an eye mainly on the short term — hoped he would get out of the course .
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