Example sentences of "an air of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Richard was running towards her , dodging between the legs of many passing travellers , a broad grin lighting his face and an air of excitement about him .
2 There was an air of excitement about Lady Merchiston for which her companion was quite unable to account .
3 There was an air of excitement among passengers and crew joining the train .
4 The US Federal Trade Commission 's investigation of Microsoft Corp has had an air of unreality about it , with few people imagining that it will come to anything very much or lead to any significant change in the market , but now that the thing may be coming to a climax , what are the possible outcomes ?
5 This approach has , to my mind , lent an air of unreality to some of the arguments addressed to the court .
6 He was relaxed , yet there was an air of dominance about him , of dynamism kept in check .
7 There was such an air of hopelessness about the place .
8 There was an air of expectancy around them as Professor St John Goth ascended the platform in his slow , deliberate way .
9 For Aquarius , There 's an air of misinformation about .
10 I 've taken over the last few months when we 've done our sales training here , talking to certainly on advanced sales skills courses and so on , I 've tried to bring an air of realism to their world .
11 Even the Poorhouse had an air of prosperity about it .
12 There appears to be an air of condescension towards those who refuse to recognise Shakespeare 's universality , as though they were a peculiar sect within the broad church of liberalism .
13 The way he was regarding her was hardly encouraging , but she persevered , trying to bring an air of insouciance to her voice .
14 Editor , — Richard Smith 's editorial on academic medicine touched off an air of discontent within me .
15 It 's a shame that it 's now become part of a genre rather than the opening salvo it might have been , since Juice now has an air of predictability about it .
16 Yeremi and Biff eyed one another , and Lexandro , remembering their previous savage encounter ; while Lexandro himself assumed an air of disdain at the presence of two such … companions .
17 Despite his casual dress of jeans and shirt , there was still an air of sophistication about him that was in sharp variance to those around him , and she cursed Donal again for his stupid sense of humour because it now put her in the most ridiculous position .
18 ‘ Well , they looked like dragons , ’ said Twoflower , an air of defiance about him .
19 She sat up with a start , blinking , to find the room full of electric light again , and her host occupied in turning off the lamps , his face streaked with oil and his black hair wildly untidy , but with an air of triumph about him which she registered with some amusement .
20 All of this it seemed might make the Prince less unacceptable to France and so would give the candidacy an air of reasonableness to the rest of Europe .
21 The empty rooms echoed and there was an air of desolation about the whole place .
22 His fine linen shirt lent an air of truth to his words .
23 There was always an air of mystery about Browne , and he departed in 1926 amid hints of unsavouriness .
24 He was a tall , handsome man who had an air of confidence about him .
25 A development study on the Cardwell Bay site commissioned by the local authority a year ago concluded : ‘ While the outlook from the bay at Gourock is a significant asset on a national scale , there is also an air of neglect in the area . ’
26 The use of his name and his connection with the area , particularly with the Physic Garden and also his reputation abroad , lent an air of authority to these pieces of china — as no doubt Mr Sprimont , the astute manager of the factory appreciated .
27 Montgomery had expected an air of authority from this venerable man , who had spent most of his seventy-odd years lecturing students , but Aubrey St John Goth seemed distant , distracted , his grey eyes veiled by a deep sadness .
28 Just four years after Charles 's death , Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims , who had been an important political figure throughout Charles 's reign ( though not consistently close to him ) , wrote a treatise , The Government of the Palace , for the young King Carloman , Charles 's grandson , and lent it an air of authority by claiming to incorporate the work of Abbot Adalard of Corbie , who had died nearly sixty years before .
29 There is an air of class about the whole scheme .
30 There was an air of concentration around the board now that the lesser players had been removed from the Game .
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