Example sentences of "we want [pron] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 We want everybody to be ready to fall into their places five minutes before zero hour . ’
2 You know like I say there is quite a lot of trust and erm I think Yona and me are sort of aware er we 're very much united in the feeling that we do n't we do n't want things to erm you know we want everybody to be involved and obviously different people have different things to offer .
3 She is very good at her studies and we want her to be a teacher .
4 We want everyone to be licensed , but the Government did n't think it necessary .
5 But is not the point that erm we want those who are concerned about fashionable elements , to be attracted by our worship , cos we want everyone to be attracted .
6 But we want them to be accessible , not stuffy . ’
7 They go now with a much greater knowledge of their customers to manufacturers and say : ‘ We want our products to be made like this for us and we want them to be our products . ’
8 We want them to be light and compact , yet robust , stable and reliable ; simple to operate , yet capable of reasonably fine heat control ; economical with fuel , yet able to bring pans to the boil quickly ; and despite all these conflicting demands , they must be safe to use in difficult field conditions .
9 Sometimes that is difficult because we will implement them and we want them to be fairly applied across the Community .
10 In contrast , ‘ this time we can be better prepared … this is a time for doing the thinking , so that we can make things how we want them to be ’ .
11 Well we we we 'd want the controls on the left and we want them to be split .
12 We want them to be bailed.A consular official has made regular visits to the jail .
13 ‘ Prince ’ is not so much a person as a persona , a space , in which he can become anything he or we want him to be .
14 We want him to be returning to a club which is guaranteed European football next season and , who knows , should we win the semi-final he might be able to lead out the team for the final . ’
15 We want him to be able to concentrate on the Tests from here on . ’
16 We , we want there to be elements of socialism built into the capitalism we 're creating which will allow us to go straight into , to socialism in the future .
17 When you book your ( Club 19–30 ) Holiday we want you to be so satisfied that you 'll book with us again next year .
18 We want you to be among the very first in Britain to benefit from these developments and to enjoy them !
19 We want you to be efficient in your studies .
20 We want you to be godfather , Guy . ’
21 ‘ Ginny , we want you to be David 's godmother , too … ’
22 Life , according to metaphysics , is exactly as we want it to be .
23 The more responsibility we take for our lives , the more power we have to create life exactly as we want it to be .
24 We want it to be available to everyone , not just the business user , ’ says Watt .
25 We want it to be a nice family affair . ’
26 ‘ We do n't want to be a painfully clichéd screaming and shouting band , we want tension but we want it to be a duel thing , two complete opposites fighting against each other wish us cutting through the middle .
27 On the personal computer business , Platt said the company is ‘ gaining a lot of recognition ’ in what he called a ‘ ruthless ’ business , adding that cost-cutting had improved profitability , ‘ but it is not quite where we want it to be . ’
28 We want it to be like walking into a craft exhibition , ’ says Sam Wanamaker .
29 To secure that aim we want it to be a condition of sale to any private operator that pension conditions are preserved through the existing pension fund schemes .
30 The training of nurses to prescribe will be vital if the service is to be as widely available as we want it to be and if it is genuinely to benefit patients .
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