Example sentences of "we have n't be able " in BNC.

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1 We have n't been able to locate anyone who makes exactly that bird house ( it may even have been especially made ) .
2 We have n't been able yet to speak to Miss Morgan 's solicitor , ’ he observed .
3 Owing to postal problems , we have n't been able to stick a die on covers of subscription copies .
4 We want to wear some of those clothes in the wardrobe that we have n't been able to wear for ages .
5 ‘ We 're unbeaten in eight games but we have n't been able to win them and the players were saying beforehand that we were going to give someone a good hiding .
6 ‘ I enjoy playing with Gala because they seek to spin the ball where possible but we really have n't played all that well this season , mainly because we have n't been able to win enough quality ball .
7 ‘ The argument in Italy that ‘ we 're not ready for competition ’ goes something like ‘ since we have n't been able to serve our customers as we should up until now , no one else should be allowed to ! ’ ’ he said .
8 ‘ I 've always felt in the past that if anyone had a problem , they could always come to me and talk about it , and there have n't been many problems that we have n't been able to solve that way . ’
9 We have n't been able to get hold of the boy concerned since he and his family moved away soon after the incident , whatever it was .
10 Many feminists have become uncomfortable with this idea , but we have n't been able to find any other argument that did n't immediately pose a threat to our basic position that women must control their own bodies .
11 Er , we have n't , in the scheme that 's before you , we have n't been able to take account of , of all the things that people have said and I think the most significant point about that is the comments that Road should also be covered by this scheme .
12 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
13 We have n't been able to get any more information out of him . ’
14 The main problem has been we have n't been able to come up to EC standards .
15 and as we have n't been able to get round
16 We intended to do a little bit of er beach work to try and get something like that but we have n't been able to , so .
17 Unfortunately very little , er we know he 's been in prison since nineteen eighty seven and that he 's been sentenced to ten years , but we have n't been able to determine er under what charge , what happened at his trial , whether he was given defence , er access to a lawyer , those kind of things , and er Amnesty believes that he 's been er imprisoned for his beliefs .
18 erm Rusty in the fact that erm we have n't been able to sort of erm get out on the field with a ball in our hand , erm but erm our coach erm Ian McMillan has taken the opportunity to drag us into the gym and give us quite erm hard fitness sessions , so the fitness is still erm quite high on our side , but erm handling the ball will be a little bit rusty , but hopefully this week , now all the snow 's gone , we 'll be able to get out and erm move the ball about at training .
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