Example sentences of "we be not prepared [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour party in this county , values the role of small rural schools , but we are not prepared to see urban schools suffer to make sure that urb , rural schools are kept open for the sake of being kept open .
2 We accept in principle the United Nations target of 0.7 per cent. , but we are not prepared to set a timetable , because a real-terms growth in aid quality is much more important .
3 The reason for not accepting what people call the social chapter , which is in reality the imposition of labour laws that would damage our competitiveness , is that we intend to keep our competitiveness and we are not prepared to lose our competitiveness against Japan and the United States , even though that is the express policy of the Labour party .
4 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
5 We are not prepared to say any more . ’
6 We are not prepared to listen to lectures on human rights from people who have such a callous attitude to human life .
7 We enjoy its company but we are not prepared to tolerate any inconvenience .
8 It can not justify increased expenditure on the scale that it proposes , and we are not prepared to renegotiate in any way the present rebate to the United Kingdom .
9 But there is still a great lack of clarity and we are not prepared to pretend that we know the answer , thereby running the risk of causing at least as much damage as we do good .
10 I think that Mr has lost his bet because we are a party who is not obsessed by ideology we are not prepared to act indefinitely like bulls in a china shop when the owners of the shop have an infinite supply of china We want to move forward and we want to move forward in the real world and the idea that a strong government and sticking to what you want through thick and thin when clearly you 're not going to get the result you want , as indeed the government did over the poll tax , in the end you have to recognise the reality the Labour group , as much as anything else , are part of that reality .
11 It may still come , but we are not prepared to wait indefinitely .
12 We are not prepared to go ahead with the Lord Chancellor 's proposals about fixed fees .
13 We are not prepared to do that , and that provision will not be in the treaty unless we ask for it .
14 But what I , we are not prepared to do , is allow the schools that we represent to suffer , just to maintain small schools in this county , which are no longer economical or viable or educationally beneficial to the children that attend them .
15 Mr Radoman Bozovic , Prime Minister , said : ‘ We are not prepared to give way to pressures contrary to Serbian dignity and to our economic sovereignty . ’
16 When we meet , we seem to go in circles ; we 're great at telling the others how wrong they are or how to solve the problem , but we are not prepared to give in a bit and make the necessary compromises .
17 The Department pledges its support to staff who work within the spirit of the Guidelines set out in this document , and will make it clear that as a Department we are not prepared to accept threats of intimidation and violence from that small number of clients who use such methods to manipulate their social environment or evade responsibility for their behaviour .
18 That is what we are not prepared to accept .
19 We are not prepared to accept the fact that women , such as one woman from my own city of Manchester , can make skirts , blouses and trousers and be paid as little as 25p per pair of trousers .
20 We are not prepared to accept the imposition of other people 's directions on many forms of flexible job opportunities now available in this country .
21 We are not prepared to accept restrictions on the employer 's right to recruit the best qualified person for the job .
22 We are not prepared to accept new trade union powers to represent individual employees and bargain on their behalf .
23 Further , you say that money is tight but whilst there is still money for increasing staff numbers we are not prepared to accept this as a major reason against .
24 We are not prepared to send volunteers on missions only to be scooped at checkpoints .
25 Well as you 're aware , our philosophy , our policies are to protect and improve services , and a lot of our services , when we came in with our initiative , we started from a nil base , on some of the provision , and we are not prepared to stand by and see diminution of any of the services , if it is humanly possible .
26 We are not prepared to stand by and let schools in areas that we represent get closed or re-organised or whatever , at the expense of small village schools , which should be re-organised , or re-rationalised before schools in large urban areas .
27 We should not embark on diets if we are not prepared to change our eating habits for life .
28 But we are not prepared to change the quality of our estate .
29 However , long before this immediate question arose , we and our partners — and , I believe , the whole world — made it clear that we are not prepared to recognise the alteration of boundaries by force .
30 It 's actually saying , we 're not prepared to let you close down our hospital and our services any more .
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