Example sentences of "we be gon [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 We are gon na be all right .
2 We 're gon na be late , ’ said Jackie , hobbling towards the door .
3 When they do a tour , we 're gon na be on the guest list .
4 Now we 're gon na be using acid very very dilute acid .
5 I think we 've go I think we 've got to get through to the members actually that together as a , we 're gon na be a cohesive force for the benefit of the members .
6 the , the authorities are , or the employers , are gon na gain from the fact that we 're gon na be a new union that at first we 're gon na be trying you know to you know you 've got to walk before you run , have n't we ?
7 the , the authorities are , or the employers , are gon na gain from the fact that we 're gon na be a new union that at first we 're gon na be trying you know to you know you 've got to walk before you run , have n't we ?
8 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
9 Now I would approach it on the lines of here 's your opportunity , it 's not just erm NUPE mind , NALGO 's joining er COHSE 's joining and we 're gon na be one hell of a force .
10 Now you can say to them well we 're gon na be struggling we we well we must be , we 've got three voices .
11 whether or not we 're gon na be in the same situation on erm
12 got something back from Intercity on the P S work where they 're wa wishing us to predict to certain date what we 're gon na be spending over the next six months .
13 Obviously , if we 're gon na be two big unions obviously Portsmouth is no longer going to fit the bill and I think that 's a shame because several congresses I 've been to and this is the finest weather I 've ever enjoyed .
14 The G M B's got a long record of joining forces with others which has proved to be successful , but if we 're gon na be honest , it 's always been recognized that we would be the predominant union and yes Apex members we should have been honest with you at the time of merger , because it 's quite clear you was gon na lose your identity to at least to some extent and we should have been honest about that .
15 I 'm calling of the C E C. Whilst is coming to the rostrum , just make the point colleagues that it 's nearly ten years since G C H Q and a massive demonstration is planned when that particular date occurs and we 're gon na be very much involved in it .
16 . At twenty five to seven , just after the six thirty news sequence , we 're gon na be talking about a report in the latest issue of She magazine .
17 And certainly you know I mean Yona 's list now of support for this next rally we 've got on March the first is huge I mean it 's sort of and that 's not gon na go away is it you know I mean next year I do n't know what we 're gon na be up to but hopefully we 'll be supporting somebody else in their er struggle for fair play and that network will obviously come into play you know I mean I 've we 've been South Wales have said , Oh you know these are all our contacts you know some of the women in South Wales and in Deeside they 've said these are all our contacts and these are the people that were good and did the work and got the leaflets out and brought the money in you know and it 's as simple as that really you know .
18 So what we 're gon na be taking in and when ?
19 getting fed up Okay just to finish up now , because we 're gon na be moving on in a minute .
20 Right , but what needs to happen is if we continue like this we 're gon na be re-inventing the wheel every year and making a lot of work for yourselves .
21 But in a sense it does n't really matter whether it 's one parable , whether it 's three parables , or whether it 's four parables , it 's what Jesus was trying to teach to these people , and over these next three weeks , we 're gon na be looking at these three , er illustrations that Jesus uses .
22 Three hundred and seventy six in the redemption hymnal and whilst we 're singing this we 're gon na be taking up our morning offering .
23 There 's gon na be a lot of changes at the end of this century , the beginning of next century in Europe and if we 're not with them then we 're gon na be left behind .
24 I , I would , I would be very surprised if the communists understood how deterministic idea of erm some sort of progression , I think you ca n't really say in about ten years ' time we 're gon na be here
25 But we 're s we 're gon na be charging it approximately twice as much as would .
26 we 're gon na be thinking about it beforehand , so , we can scrap that .
27 If we 're gon na be partners it 's got ta be equal not er
28 But the point is what I 'm saying is if we could get that stuff there on Friday afternoon and get the the conveyor set to where you want 'em , because I do n't know what leads you want the lorry got there on Monday morning , wants unloading , and we 're flying about for damn leads , we we 're gon na be in trouble .
29 . This is you know , what we 're gon na be concentrating on next .
30 We 're , working on an hotel project I think and we 're up to week thirteen on the programme and I think you might be able to see on week thirteen and given the information we 've got at the moment as well , it means we 're gon na be working on three floors at once so it was the first thing to identify .
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