Example sentences of "we [vb mod] actually be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It occurs to us that by concentrating all special educational resources on individual children we may actually be missing the point .
2 When we come to move we may actually be working against ourselves .
3 And that is where I think we should actually be pushing .
4 We should actually be pushing saying for those Health Ser Service erm workers and also people in the public who are not doing that , not a case of , we do n't want you to and this is a case against it , although that 's strong .
5 The project we 're hoping to sponsor , there 's now Friends of the Earth in Ghana , erm who 've Doctor Plumtree quite rightly said , Ghana are working hard on re-forestation schemes , and a scheme that Friends of the Earth is doing is a community re- forestation scheme , because a lot of the re-forestation schemes are from the top down , and they do n't actually get the villagers involved in whatever , so we 'll actually be funding community reforestation schemes , several species of trees , particularly those which help to regenerate the soil , especially if it 's been degraded because the trees have been chopped down , or what-have-you .
6 It could be argued , I suppose , that by not forcing the issue until your investigations are complete we might actually be helping Ingard shareholders — by clearing up uncertainties which might otherwise damage their interests . "
7 If we could actually be bothered to work it out , a vast number of strange people beat a path to our front doors in the course of a year .
8 we could actually be doing
9 So if we were sitting round this table in ten years time , we would actually be talking about what was commonplace , not what was coming at some distant and far off point ?
10 By avoiding this situation and pretending it 's not happening means that we can actually be risking the lives of one our friends , one of our family .
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