Example sentences of "she realised [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 She realised that they had just joined the main motorway heading north-west out of London .
2 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
3 She realised that it had been deliberately left open to add to her humiliation .
4 She was trembling with anger and tiredness , her legs a little unsteady from the effect of the aquavit , as she realised that it had begun to rain again .
5 He leaned across with the bottle , and she realised that she 'd almost drained her glass at the first attack .
6 With a start of shame she realised that she 'd scarcely paid her sister a moment 's thought since entering the gardens .
7 But , as she trailed after him into their own bedroom , leaning against the door while he quickly packed his case , she realised that she 'd already lost him .
8 She was still feeling somewhat shaken an hour later — she was going to Prague — and with Ven ! — when suddenly she realised that she 'd barely moved since that phone call .
9 She realised that she had not eaten properly in twenty-four hours .
10 It was only when she realised that she had n't used the unarmed combat that was by now second nature to her , but was struggling in a manner that was instinctive , that she stopped .
11 She realised that she had imposed on Miss Hatherby 's kindness and she blushed for her lack of consideration .
12 She realised that she had become increasingly frustrated and dissatisfied with her life with Nicky … maybe even with Surrey … perhaps even with Maison de Levantière .
13 Sean was the first man who ever made love to her , and Ruth had thought she loved him too , but it was not a happy marriage and when Sean was killed in France , just before the Armistice was signed , she realised that she had been denying her true feelings for years .
14 She realised that she had only been half alive for the last four years .
15 Miguel had been watching her , and she realised that she had been talking far too freely , and that she could n't see what he was thinking because of those dark glasses .
16 Knowing that there was nothing for it but to go and apologise and , if possible , explain that her regularly serviced car was misbehaving , Fabia had her hand on the door-handle when she realised that she had no need to move .
17 Too late she realised that she had let her defences down .
18 As soon as she thought this , she realised that she had resolved to do the very same every time she killed one of her pigs .
19 She was lying on an examination couch before she realised that he had undressed , as well .
20 It took a few seconds before she realised that he had pulled himself away from her .
21 She found herself peering into nooks and crannies , not that he could manage to conceal himself into one , with his breadth , and was almost disappointed when she realised that he had most probably gone out .
22 She realised that he had n't ever responded to her first mildly scolding words as they left the Hamiltons ' .
23 His voice cut into her thoughts , and she realised that he had turned to look at her .
24 She realised that he had to be the root of her insecurities , of her inability to believe that anyone could ever love her in return .
25 Then she realised that he had gone , and she had n't even seen him leave .
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