Example sentences of "she stared out of [art] " in BNC.

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1 She stared out of the window and saw the stars and a bright moon .
2 Turning her back on him , she stared out of the window .
3 She stared out of the window again , but this time could n't see any movement at all .
4 She stared out of the window , disturbed .
5 She stared out of the window and thought she could write a book in the time it was taking them to get to Nice , which really was just around the corner .
6 She stared out of the car window where the wheat fields , blue-green in the sunshine , undulated towards the distant headstocks of a colliery .
7 She stared out of the upstairs living-room window , at the place where his Jaguar had been only a few moments before .
8 Something in that reminded her of Clare and she stared out of the window , frowning , as she tried to think what it was .
9 The ‘ how ’ of it occupied her mind as she stared out of the window , yet she had come to no definite conclusions when the sonorous drone of the engines made her eyelids start to droop .
10 She nodded , disappointed that he was being so matter-of-fact , and , pulling herself together , she stared out of the window as the headlights shone on the hedges and fields of the countryside they were passing through .
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