Example sentences of "she turned [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She turned and lay on her back and looked up at him , her hair dishevelled , the tears staining her cheeks .
2 She turned and ran with her bike the way she had come , and did n't even stop to jump on again , until the-cows were out of sight round a bend !
3 Then acting like a fifteen-year-old girl now , she turned and ran along the path , around the ornamental clock , and kept running until she reached the east gate of the park .
4 She turned and ran into the hall , already beginning to laugh at her foolishness .
5 She turned and lunged into the crumbling bank with the torch until it lodged and held still , focused upon the motionless bulk below .
6 The duvet wound itself around her as she turned and stretched in the big bed , her limbs languid with heat .
7 Distress caused her eyes to brim with tears , and , furious with her own weakness , she turned and went to the inner office window , where she stared through a blur at the tree-sheltered chalets .
8 She turned and went into the room again with Lee following her .
9 He took her hand and led her into the atrium , where she turned and went into his arms .
10 She turned and went from the room .
11 Mrs Aggie ’ — she turned and glanced at Aggie — ‘ paid for me to go to the penny school . ’
12 She turned and glanced at him enquiringly .
13 She turned and rushed towards me , screaming , her hair and clothes on fire .
14 She turned and walked towards the foot of the stairs .
15 She turned and walked towards him .
16 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
17 Anpetuwi was small — a breeding ground for gossip , and she 'd probably end up regretting it if she turned and walked up that hill .
18 She turned and darted into the cabin , trying to slam the door even as Mandy squeezed in behind her .
19 She turned and vanished into the kitchen .
20 Seeing movement among the trees at the far end of the stone-flagged path , she turned and signalled to the maids to be quiet .
21 She turned and signalled to her maids who at once came out from beneath the trees and hurried along the path to her .
22 Startled , she turned and recognised with a swift sinking sensation the tall figure of Richard Blake .
23 Then she turned and looked into Ruth 's area .
24 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
25 She turned and looked about her , suddenly angered by the mess she had made — by her momentary lapse of control .
26 She turned and looked at me .
27 She turned and looked at him , and her face lit up joyously , and George looked at Ian and tried to keep his own face expressionless .
28 She turned and looked at him , then sat up with a gasp of dismay .
29 The child stared towards it as if in recognition of something held in memory ; then she turned and looked at the old woman , who was sitting on the couch unlacing her boots , and she said , ‘ You have a garden . ’
30 She wrote her name on the form ; then , as the wardress motioned her forward , she turned and looked at Aggie and the child , and with a quick gesture she thrust out her hands towards them .
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