Example sentences of "she 'd be [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eye to the crack in the door , Jezrael saw the girl 's own guilt palm the cuber as though she 'd been watching the security scanner all along .
2 Last night , standing on the deck of Devlin 's ketch as they rapidly approached the island , she 'd been thinking the same thing .
3 as if she 'd been wearing a coat of many many colours , and , beached on the desert island shore of Pity Me , had shredded the damn shrunken thing .
4 ‘ If she 'd been wearing a helmet , she might have lived , ’ says Officer Carmine Menchel , who visited the scene later .
5 My local bank manager said that means she 'd been renting a deposit box .
6 But er she said she 'd been feeling a bit rough recently .
7 Dawson was aware that she 'd been combating a bout of ill-temper since he 'd arrived .
8 Evidence from police and forensic officers said Mrs Prescott looked as if she 'd been sewing the hem of a curtain , when she was shot at close range in the back of the head .
9 She said she 'd been following a higher moral law .
10 Virginia realised she 'd been gripping the steering-wheel unnecessarily tightly and consciously relaxed , forcing a laugh and wincing as the vibration worsened her headache .
11 Maybe she 'd been doing a lot of thinking .
12 She 'd been spending a few days ' holiday in Sicily , with her friends Penny and Devlin .
13 Just for a second there , she 'd been uncovering a softer , more human side to the man .
14 And there was something about him , an aura of confidence and power , as he stood there facing her across the bonnet of the Mini that told her that even if she 'd been driving a tank there was no way in the world he would have let her go past .
15 She 'd been having a nightmare .
16 ‘ Mum says he should have looked first , Dad says if she 'd been keeping an eye on him he would have been fine .
17 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
18 I 've been keeping my eye on her for a while , but it seems she 'd been returning the favour without my being aware of it . ’
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