Example sentences of "she [vb past] ever [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She just made it to the bathroom in time , before she parted unceremoniously with the contents of her stomach , then hung weakly against the side of the washbasin , more wretched and humiliated than she 'd ever felt in her life .
2 ‘ But it is , ’ he insisted , as if this somehow ought to be the best news she 'd ever heard in her life .
3 Not that she 'd ever wanted to , as she told Apricot .
4 After a half-hour programme with Bristol tennis girl Jo Durie , once in the top half dozen in the international ratings , she said it was by far the toughest thing she 'd ever done on television .
5 All that mattered was that he was the most exciting man she 'd ever met in her life .
6 ‘ Alleluia ! ’ said Francis , and sparkled like a tinsel waterfall , got Jay laughing and wondering recklessly why she 'd ever bothered with the bloody woman .
7 The worst marks she 'd ever got from an examiner .
8 His smile was open and friendly , and suddenly it seemed preposterous to be standing here , on a Roman street corner , arguing with a man who had taken her from an existence that she 'd hated to one that was all she 'd ever dreamed of .
9 It was the first time she 'd ever spoken about her early life to anyone .
10 It was the first time she 'd ever spoken to Aunt Sarah and come away with this feeling of no comfort , no help , weighing her down as if the big brass door stop from the porch had got lodged inside her .
11 And it was n't happening the way she 'd imagined … abruptly , she realised that being kissed by Guy Sterne was nothing remotely like being kissed by any other man she 'd ever known in her life .
12 For the first time in her life she felt radiantly satisfied , as though she had somehow managed to find all the answers to every question she had ever asked about herself .
13 Luke made no move , just looked at her , his gaze one of incredulity and shock , and Robyn felt as bad as she had ever felt in her life .
14 Asked during those dark days whether she had ever felt like quitting showbusiness she replied ; ‘ I would have loved to , but I could n't . ’
15 BBC bosses wanted to know about her love life … and if she had ever posed for sexy photos .
16 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
17 It was the only sexual advance she had ever made to him and he knew it would be the last .
18 He had knocked on the back door while she was kneading the first batch of bread dough she had ever made in her life — something to do , she thought crossly , with coming to the country — and she had gone to answer him with floury hands and a frown .
19 It was the longest journey she had ever made in her life , and she had never been farther north than Harringay Arena .
20 Yes indeed , she knew now if she had ever gone to the Ragged School that 's what would have happened .
21 It was the worst thing she had ever said to him , but it had come out unpremeditated and could not be unsaid .
22 She wanted , more than anything she had ever wanted in her life , to pick up her baby and cuddle him : to feel his warmth , to feel his need for her .
23 It was the first time she had ever referred to herself as Jake 's sister .
24 This was the closest she had ever ventured to him , and she was forcefully aware of masculine warmth and cleanliness and an indefinable something else — an aura , almost — that for some reason made her nerve ends prickle warningly .
25 Anthony introduced Comfort , who immediately started talking in fluent , fast Italian , which made Julia feel as inadequate and insular as she had ever done at Comfort 's university parties .
26 Maria had been feeling more vulnerable than she had ever done in her life , but now she lost her temper .
27 Making her way to the wings , then waiting for her cue , was probably the hardest thing she had ever done in her life .
28 The very sky smelt of frost though a sun bigger than she had ever seen on Mars still shone remote between gold-fringed clouds .
29 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
30 Standing beside Dennis was the best-looking man she had ever seen in her life .
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