Example sentences of "she [vb past] [coord] walk [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Deciding business before pleasure , she dismounted and walked up the front drive of the vicarage .
2 She rose and walked through corridors , noticing how the stone walls seeped moisture .
3 She turned and walked towards the foot of the stairs .
4 She turned and walked towards him .
5 Then she turned and walked towards the deep end , turned again and did a perfect back flip , hardly denting the surface and coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me .
6 Anpetuwi was small — a breeding ground for gossip , and she 'd probably end up regretting it if she turned and walked up that hill .
7 She nodded and walked to the door .
8 As soon as the water was waist high , she stood and walked to the side near to the female showers .
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