Example sentences of "she [verb] herself into the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You really are a darling Barney , ’ Julie laughed , as she lowered herself into the rear of the two individual cockpits and pulled the waterproof liner around her waist .
2 When she lowered herself into the chair , there was a loud squelching noise similar to that made by a hippopotamus when lowering its foot into the mud on the banks of the Limpopo River .
3 She let herself into the kitchen , where young Joe Burns had asked about her .
4 When she let herself into the flat , Ralph was waiting in the hall .
5 She let herself into the kitchen and sank into a chair before the fire that urgently needed mending .
6 The girl was carrying a latchkey ; she let herself into the cabin .
7 She let herself into the house , and made herself a cup of tea .
8 She let herself into the comfort and glow of the solar to hear her father 's querulous voice complaining , in terms in which surely he himself did not believe : ‘ My mind misdoubts me we have done wrong to have any part in this .
9 There was no one about when she let herself into the house , and thankfully she went quietly up to her room .
10 When she kisses him as a woman , he dies : she casts herself into the Fire , taking his body with her : and Holly seems to see her alive and radiant , a woman whose sins have been compounded .
11 She threw herself into the literary and social life of Cambridge .
12 With a sigh , rather than a cry , she threw herself into the water and felt peace .
13 The bullets were no longer coming close , however , and by the time she pulled herself into the shadow of the side of the opening , they were chipping the rock several feet away .
14 Thrusting the heavy wooden doors of the lift open as they reached her floor , she precipitated herself into the small lobby from which the corridor to her room led , recoiling in dismay as a tall figure unwound itself from one of the two easy chairs beside a small table graced with a vase of fresh flowers .
15 She launched herself into the tiny room , crouching , arms spread wide , ready to grab Gazzer if he made a dash for the door .
16 From a cupboard , she took a large , brown , straw hat and a dark grey coat ; and after first pinning the hat on to her hair she shrugged herself into the coat .
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