Example sentences of "she [verb] gone [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An older person who has been accustomed to being in charge does n't suddenly stop feeling responsible for other people just because he or she has gone into a Home .
2 Some might say it presents an idealistic picture of family life ; others that it is a reactionary attempt to turn the clock back on the women 's movement ; yet others might argue that she has gone beyond the available evidence in concluding , or at least implying , that delinquency might result from early day-care experiences .
3 In the past she has gone as a pillion passenger on husband Steve 's bike .
4 She has gone across the canal to face the beast . ’
5 She has recently left home , and whenever they talk about her my parents ' voices are disapproving , as if she has gone off the rails in some way which they do n't specify .
6 Now she has gone to a post at Hendon responsible for training new recruits .
7 I laughed , and she 'd gone off the line before I could ask her about her health .
8 His wife Margaret had n't been there ; she 'd gone to a meeting of her rock garden club .
9 It had been styled rather well , as though she 'd gone to a really good hairdresser and it suited her , was soft over her forehead and short at the back .
10 She laughed happily , remembering the pains she 'd gone to the previous evening .
11 Yes I heard she 'd gone to the Nottingham area .
12 Er it were in paper about this er this woman she 'd gone to the hospital and she must have been there longer than she thought , and so she 'd got her car clamped and it was thirty pound to have it off but
13 Ash stopped so suddenly I wondered where she 'd gone for a moment .
14 She 'd gone for a walk .
15 she 'd gone for a couple of days when she was up but she says she has n't been up to see her for about eighteen months !
16 She had gone into a street shelter soon after the raid started at seven o'clock , and incendiaries , heavy bombs and parachute mines had fallen on the city and suburbs .
17 Then she had gone into the garden and played cricket with Oliver , running up and down and laughing very loudly so that they should hear her next door and know she was n't tired at all .
18 Ruth stared down at her , barely able to focus , and then her eyes darted frantically towards Rosa but she had gone into the other room .
19 Too weak to do either , she had gone on the streets .
20 Before her mother 's house she had gone through a winter in a squat that had no heating at all .
21 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
22 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
23 Each month , for as long as Peter could remember , she had gone through the bank statement and done the accounts .
24 It would hardly cross his mind that she had gone past the point of that to something altogether more serious and far less retrievable .
25 Several years before we saw her , she had gone with a friend to visit the war graves in Flanders .
26 She struggled with the cold fear that had laid its hand on her : she had gone with a man , without protesting , without a single pledge from him , and not a word of kindness , not a promise for tomorrow ; she looked at Sabina 's back in front of her , the pinafore tied behind over her gathered skirt , and imagined her husband 's hands around that still sturdy small of her back , and wondered had she let him do that , do what Tommaso had done , before they were married ?
27 She had gone for a walk up the road , beside a field of sunflowers , and although the sun had not yet risen she could sense the whole field turning away from her and each flower raising its face towards the eastern hills over which the sun would shortly leap .
28 It turned out that she had gone for a hill walk on her own with an agreed pick up point by him in the car .
29 After leaving the letter in a drawer she had gone to a nearby town and booked in at a hotel .
30 His mother was not yet in ; presumably she had gone to a party .
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