Example sentences of "she [verb] ever [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Angie was running the hamburger stall — I do n't think she has ever cooked so many hamburgers in her life .
2 Yes , she misses her mum and dad , and she misses the golden stretches of beach more than she has ever let on .
3 His voice was harsher than she 'd ever heard before .
4 When Miss Poraway had mentioned a Tupperware party Mrs Stead-Carter had gone much further than she 'd ever gone before .
5 There was n't much traffic about at that time of the morning and Jean was driving faster than she 'd ever done before ; trees , hedges and fields just flashed past as the Cortina fairly gobbled up the miles .
6 Then , faster than she 'd ever climbed before , she went up that tree .
7 He was so close she could feel her own name as much as hear it , and she closed her eyes , gripped by a longing more powerful than anything she 'd ever known before .
8 The rage burned a week , after which she fell totally silent for three days ; a silence broken by a grief like nothing she 'd ever experienced before .
9 It was like nothing she 'd ever experienced before : a sensuous hedonistic time of utter physical pleasure .
10 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
11 As he kissed and caressed her in turn , Hilary did n't think she had ever felt so happy or relaxed — well , relaxed until his mouth roved below her navel .
12 In fact , she thought , she had never even remotely known what love was because it was what she felt now , and it certainly was nothing like what she had ever felt before .
13 The sorrow , the loneliness , the confusion disappeared with the taste of his lips on hers , with the hunger that communicated through his kiss , so that she burned with a desire unlike anything she had ever felt before .
14 Robyn gazed up at the billowing white clouds and a longing for Luke 's touch , unlike anything she had ever felt before , overwhelmed her completely — her whole being ached with the desire to be held in his arms , to feel the strength and comfort and warmth of his body close to hers .
15 Dora , kind-hearted even if disapproving , had promised to make a soufflé for dinner , which Alexandra had assured Aunt Emily would be superior to any she had ever tasted before .
16 It was soft , softer than anything she had ever touched before .
17 With more bravery than she had ever mustered before , Louisa retraced her steps .
18 Her duties over , she played chess with him in the evening , or childish card and board games with him and Matey , laughed , talked and read , in some odd way enjoying herself in this hard life more than she had ever done before in her old soft one .
19 His face was more animated than she had ever seen before .
20 She saw more cows at a glance than she had ever seen before .
21 Once through , she tore along the footpath faster than she had ever ridden before .
22 At York , she had ridden no better than she had ever ridden before .
23 As his mouth descended hungrily upon hers and he swept her down among the bracken , Tamar succumbed to a passion far greater than she had ever known before .
24 Then everything was movement , sensation , and she could no longer laugh or speak or do anything but be carried along by a force greater than anything she had ever known before , a force that took them to the heavens to touch the stars that had already decided their destiny .
25 Now , in the middle of the biggest case she had ever worked on , she had problems of a much larger scale and Kate was aware that her life would never be the same again .
26 It was unlike anything she had ever owned before .
27 One occasion was when my daughter , who I had suspected was a better reader than she had ever let on , casually picked up The Wind in the Willows while I was unpacking after a house-move , and read out the first page with great expression and hardly any mistakes .
28 No city she had ever walked in was half so beautiful .
29 She was having more fun than she had ever had before .
30 If she had ever thought much about the future , I think she would have seen her mother sitting in a chair by the fire , knitting ; after all , her father had been dying all her life .
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