Example sentences of "she [verb] been looking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I gather she 'd been looking into drugs a few weeks back and then into child porn .
2 She 'd been looking into it for Ken anyway — as I told you .
3 Miranda taller , with her bushy hair and colouring that the Italians whose paintings she 'd been looking at in the Louvre rendered by priming the canvas with a copper-based green paint , creating a complexion that draws light in rather than gives it out ; Xanthe beside her with her candy radiance of pink and gold , and rounder too , more neatly assembled , wrist to hand , neck to shoulders , ankle to foot .
4 He was making her act like a gauche schoolgirl — Aurora Blake , who could hold thousands spellbound with the power of her voice , who could mix happily with kings and commoners — stammering apologetically because a man who had wandered unwanted and uninvited into her garden knew she 'd been looking at him !
5 At last she found what she 'd been looking for .
6 This might sound , to Albert , as if she 'd been looking for him .
7 She 'd been looking after her father , who 'd become ill , probably because of the fumes .
8 Joshua grabbed Hyacinth by the arm — she had been looking as if she were about to attack her victim 's other eye — and steered her away .
9 It was me she had been looking at all that time , but secretively , like a girl .
10 She had been looking at Mick , but turned slowly and looked at Joe , and smiling slightly said , ‘ Yes ; yes , of course . ’
11 She did n't want him to know that she had been looking at him .
12 She had been looking at the castle for the last hour .
13 She would never find now whatever it was she had been looking for from life .
14 For the first time she recognized that secretly she had been looking for some way out for herself and Midnight .
15 The object in question was Franca 's divan bed , the one she had slept on in the upstairs spare room when she had been looking after Patrick .
16 said she phoned me the night before last and she said she 's been looking at flats I thought I 'd just ring you to tell you we 've been looking at flats and they range from two hundred and fifty to four hundred and eighty pounds a week for a flat
17 She 's been looking after Angharad , ’ said Beuno .
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