Example sentences of "which once [vb past] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sixteenth-century retables ( carved wooden altarpieces ) of the type which once filled the cathedral but were lost in the fire of 1533 or destroyed in the Reformation will be on show in the cathedral in a small exhibition from 26 May until 3 October .
2 The residents say that if their community development project disappears , it 'll be a step backwards , leading to an increase in the sort of social problems which once made the estate notorious .
3 As in the chaotic , early days of Motown — that other record company which once epitomised the sound of Detroit — being a success means being able to turn your hand to anything .
4 The regional shades of red brick and yellow stone which once coloured the cityscape have disappeared , replaced by the grey monotone of concrete .
5 The regional shades of red brick and yellow stone which once coloured the cityscape have disappeared , replaced by the grey monotone of concrete .
6 For the less wealthy , there were silver bracelets , often wrought and hammered from the large , heavy , Maria Theresa silver dollars which once flooded the area .
7 He built the famous shark sculpture sticking out of Bill Heine 's house at Headington in Oxford , and also the legs which once adourned the front of Mr Heine 's Oxford cinema , Not the Moulin Rouge , but the lease ran out and the famous legs had to go .
8 Denmark suffered its biggest-ever bankruptcy when Hafnia Holding , which once controlled the country 's second-largest insurance group , filed for bankruptcy with debts of DKr6.3 billion ( $1 billion ) .
9 Only a rutted bridle track , where orchids still grow , led to it by way of a dilapidated wooden bridge over a stream ; the oak avenue which once lined the way gradually fell .
10 After extensive conservation and repair work is completed , the Palace will house a rich series of displays showing how its apartments were used by the Stewart monarchs and their households , and a special display will be devoted to the carved wooden Stirling Heads which once decorated the ceiling of the King 's Presence Chamber .
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