Example sentences of "which can be obtain [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our gloss acrylic coating can be burnished to a mirror-like gloss surpassing that which can be obtained with polyurethane varnishes .
2 Entries must be made on special forms which can be obtained on application to the Board .
3 As with other documents which can be obtained at a large number of different places , the onus to show that the vehicle had a current test certificate rests on the defendant .
4 The current value of the land is estimated at one point five million , but the land at the time of any sale would be determined by the most favourable planning consent which can be obtained at the time .
5 Meanwhile , the most useful descriptions remain a combination of the ‘ traditional ’ social grades , plus the other demographics ( age , sex , etc. ) plus media exposure ( which can be obtained for most products and many individual brands from the Target Group Index ) , plus any other relevant information about their behaviour in relation to the product concerned .
6 The combinations which can be obtained for this are infinite .
7 This requires that they get a Manchester userid , which can be obtained via a Manchester representatives at the computing centre at their institution .
8 Advanced societies are distinguished from backward ones by , among many other features , the reliability of the information which can be obtained about them .
9 A feasibility study completed earlier in 1986 demonstrated the viability of the project and the value of the information on the small enterprise owner and self-employed which can be obtained through such a procedure .
10 Regular tours are conducted throughout the year , details of which can be obtained by calling the above number .
11 ( b ) those which can be obtained by modifying or extending the system software — but which will run on a ‘ standard ’ hardware system
12 A tall — up to 3ft — attractive plant , soapwort Saponaria officinalis was once cultivated for the soapy extract which can be obtained by crushing and boiling its leaves .
13 Benefits should be analysed at two levels : those benefits which can be obtained by purchase of a particular type of product ; and those that can be obtained by purchasing that product from a particular supplier .
14 Applications must be made on an appropriate form which can be obtained from the secretary , The British Vacuum Council , London .
15 The Board of Inland Revenue issue a very helpful free booklet entitled Income Tax and the Elderly , which can be obtained from any Inland Revenue office .
16 As a first attempt we have tried to calculate this from the mean letter width for a particular writer , which can be obtained from the raw x-coordinate data for the script at training time .
17 These are detailed in our Current Account leaflet , a copy of which can be obtained from any Midland branch .
18 The Forestry Commission also are most helpful and have produced a set of pamphlets on their Woodland Grant Scheme , which can be obtained from the Forestry Commission , Private Woodlands Branch , 231 Costorphine Road , Edinburgh EH12 7AT .
19 0.8 mm ) which can be obtained from Drummond Scientific Company , Pennsylvania .
20 Perhaps we are born with an immense desire for knowledge , which can be obtained from books .
21 These experimental measures of intensity can be related to the wavefunctions for the upper and lower states using an integral known as the transition moment , Dif , which is of the form where ψi and ψf are the wavefunctions for the initial and the final states and M is the dipole moment operator , which can be obtained from symmetry tables .
22 Further details are contained in the research report Short Term Secondments : an examination of the experience of an occupational transition in education which can be obtained from : Paquita McMichael , Department of Social Science & social Work , Moray House Institute of Education , Holyrood Road , EDINBURGH EH8 8AQ .
23 Institutional contacts are listed in a publication produced by KPMG Peat Marwick , which can be obtained from the MBO unit in London .
24 Further information on these degrees is available in brochures which can be obtained from the Department of Geology and Geophysics , The University of Edinburgh EH9 3JW .
25 Details of which can be obtained from the office .
26 The standards which can be obtained in colour reproductions today are high , but not always attained .
27 Philosophically , this implied recognition of the existence and power of such common pleasures could be Epicurean , or some other form of hedonism : that is , the holding of pleasure ( which can be obtained in various ways , including abstinence ) to be the greatest good .
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