Example sentences of "which be believe to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , stability testing is a predictive procedure based on data obtained from products stored under conditions which are believed to be likely to accelerate changes occurring at market conditions .
2 These olfactory cells , are long and narrow with their length perpendicular to the plane of the nasal cavity and attached to each are five , six even eight olfactory hairs , or ‘ flagella ’ , which are believed to be affected by odorous materials , setting off a chain of events which results in the odour being perceived .
3 While this is not the place to explore that research in any detail , it will be helpful to describe briefly the kinds of understanding which are believed to be present in young children by the time they begin to use language .
4 Closing the perceived gap between the UK and the US and Japan , which are believed to be three years ahead , is another aim — though that is not to say that the UK is trailing in all areas .
5 Bristol claims its approach to the issue is more viable and ultimately more independent of Microsoft than other solutions from firms which are believed to be working on the same problem .
6 Sometimes the loser will not only be disappointed but also aggrieved because the trial judge or tribunal has taken some view of the facts and the law , which are believed to be wrong .
7 The ideal female nude is thus seen as a triumph of form and expression ; a realisation of qualities which are believed to be intrinsic to the female body .
8 However , even in these cases , there is an important difference from the fully oppositional groups , which characteristically begin with attacks on prevailing art forms and cultural institutions , and often with further attacks on the general conditions which are believed to be sustaining them .
9 For example , over a season , six species of Shorea are visited in turn by species of thrips , which are believed to be their major pollinators .
10 Ecologists have questioned their value , pointing out that , while they kill off coliform bacteria ( a common cause of diarrhoea ) , they are ineffective against salmonella and other viruses , which are believed to be behind many of the mild stomach upsets and other illnesses suffered by bathers .
11 This ejected fine dust and ash particles into the atmosphere , which are believed to be accelerating the chemical reactions by which ozone is destroyed by chlorine compounds .
12 The authorities in California are conducting investigations into the skiing and rafting accidents which are believed to be the first of their kind in the state .
13 Even if horses are found which are believed to be stolen it is difficult without a central file to link them up with owners who have reported them missing .
14 This term was reserved for the rural dialects , which had been legitimized by nineteenth-century investigations , and which were believed to be ‘ genuine ’ in a way that urban dialects are not .
15 During 1989 and early 1990 , in addition to the May and September 1989 attacks listed above ( both of which were believed to be connected with the Koskotas affair and with the November 17 Revolutionary Organization ) there were a number of small bomb attacks against cars and buildings , which caused material damage and sometimes injury but no deaths .
16 Indonesia had no claim to any of the islands , which were believed to be rich in oil .
17 Following the meeting a US military excavation team carried out its first MIA search in Cambodia ; it announced on March 23 that it had recently unearthed some remains which were believed to be of members of US television crews killed in Cambodia in 1970 .
18 Grand Metropolitan , which is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests , came to life in late trading , jumping 21p to 599p as the story flowed that Sir James Goldsmith and friends were stake-building .
19 However , it is not yet clear how he will finance the payment , which is believed to be in cash .
20 In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Business Journal , during which he showed a model of a six-seat design by Burt Rutan which is believed to be that currently in flight test at Mojave ( Pilot Notes , May ) , Togo commented : ‘ I 'd like to build such a futuristic plane .
21 At upper left is a network of lace-like filaments , which is believed to be organized by magnetic fields .
22 It is varied , later in the sonnet , with the traditional image of the adder , which is believed to be able to block its hearing ( ‘ my adder 's sense/To critic and to flatterer stoppéd are ’ ) , but does so in order not to be deflected by charm or blandishments from destroying its prey .
23 During Princess Diana 's visit to Bury , which is believed to be her first , she will also attend a conference organised by the St Matthew Society .
24 The infant is held to be beset by anxiety which is believed to be related both to the notion of the death instinct , and to its confrontation with the complexity and contradictory nature of its environment .
25 May I take this opportunity to dispel rumours , circulating among supporters , concerning Mr Pahdra Singh 's involvement with an unnamed supermarket syndicate which is believed to be interested in purchasing ‘ The Tip ’ for redevelopment .
26 * Personality — which is believed to be significant in the " trickle down " process ( or diffusion ) of new products In particular , opinion leaders may be important in increasing the level of recognition and acceptance of a new product , or in situations where innovatory behaviour is required of the consumer ( for example in purchasing a completely new car model as soon as it is launched ) .
27 Melangell 's grave slab has been reset in the floor of Cell-y-bedd and the shrine rebuilt to its full height in the chancel , which is believed to be its original position .
28 For instance , Bell-Ingram has been appointed by Clackmannan District Council to undertake a review of its property portfolio , which is believed to be the first of its kind in Scotland .
29 Pregnancy is often associated with two definite gall bladder abnormalities — namely , reduced gallbadder contractility which is believed to be due to raised progesterone concentrations , and the development of biliary sludge .
30 The US Agriculture Department has proposed the use of irradiation to kill salmonella and other bacteria in raw poultry , some 40 per cent of which is believed to be contaminated with salmonella .
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