Example sentences of "that kind of [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Er that kind of idea that er you know , whether any changes at all that you thought that you appreciated er in that made workers feel that they were in fact a more important a more important part of their industry ?
2 ‘ We do not need that kind of publicity and do not want to be involved in that sort of thing .
3 For example , and I 'm not saying this is , this is so , but it 's not unusual in that kind of dream if it 's recurring in the present , to find that really it 's about the present and not about the past .
4 My mind turned back to the man Mrs Bradshaw had accosted in the garden , but I knew of no one who bore me that kind of grudge or , if he did , would take it out on me in such a petty and spiteful way .
5 She had that kind of gloss that only studio make-up and the last touches by a hairdresser can add .
6 However , to get him to the point where he might be weaned from the ventilator , one must allow him to sleep and get stronger , so if it was that kind of day or that kind of period , he might have more sedation than other times .
7 Sold his body to that kind of man for lots of money ?
8 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
9 And I said , well I know nothing about that kind of music but that 's the impression I got , I was just stood there at the bar thinking that last , last Friday it 's not the same one , thinking , you know , this is just this is just very samey it
10 In fact , if anything , we 're going to be doing less and less of that kind of music as we go along .
11 If you had that kind of function that you you know
12 Yeah , it 's exactly that kind of experience that I think has got me thinking about what I was saying before you came , well before we were just doing the coffee , about the idea of actually starting to draw , well I was calling contracts , but probably it 's more better called agreements , about you know , the theatre will do this , we will do that and
13 When my colleague had said that , with me sitting right beside him , I felt like punching him in the face ; it was that kind of attitude that any campaign would have to fight .
14 I know in advance that we 're not going to have that kind of luck but it 's worth a try .
15 Both Groby and Branshaw Teleragh , in the novels of Ford Madox Ford , are nostalgically conceived , for they express the passing of the possibility of that kind of order that Disraeli had hoped to see revived in them .
16 Les Conn : ‘ Well , of course , the people were n't prepared for that kind of entertainment and they all put their hands over their ears , and Bloom started screaming , ‘ Get them off , they 're ruining my wedding party ’ .
17 Hollywood had always been able to recruit actors who could authentically depict urban working men and by the end of the silent era Bickford and Beery had almost achieved perfection in suggesting that kind of independence that grew out of a tough upbringing and an even tougher manhood .
18 To try and escape that kind of straitjacket and to speak out .
19 And I I think that it it it would just grow out of that kind of activity and then eventually when ploughing matches er , as such , in the you know , in the adult farm , with horses , became the great thing er which was the second half of the last century , you know after the farming revolution .
20 We picked two poems on which it 's very easy for me to answer that kind of question because of course I did go back to the town where I was born , and erm wrote actually quite a lot of poems — well a lot , a lot for me would be four or five in that situation — of which this is probably the most successful and this one I 've put in a book .
21 That is precisely the background to the study which was conducted by the four chiefs of defence staff , they were asking that kind of question and I 'll now ask the Group Captain to respond .
22 We as a as a policy unit get involved in that kind of work as well , so working with departments , looking at new initiative 's and trying to work with them .
23 On that kind of work and then
24 And you stayed in that kind of work until you got married , ?
25 er , you know proper algebra and all that kind of stuff and it , and it was , I think I would of been better if I had of gone to Our Ladies cos I do n't
26 Er , certainly in , in the first paragraph we would say that we have drawn attention over the years to the nuisance of illegal parking erm , by travellers particularly in Stewards erm while travellers have the right to live their own lifestyle we also believe that other residents have the right to live free from that kind of nuisance and problem and that it does need to be addressed somehow .
27 They 're very poor people , they may work in industries with hundreds and hundreds of small outlets , whether they 're workshops in people 's homes or hairdressing shops , and it 's much harder to organise that kind of person than it is to organise a factory worker in a big factory .
28 He did not think he could ever be that kind of person but Nutty said some of the best riders were the quiet , sympathetic ones .
29 And it was that kind of debate that that went on the last few years .
30 In the Sixties , women had that kind of confidence and wanted to express themselves in that way .
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