Example sentences of "as i sit [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The cool water is around my ankles as I sit on the bank , basking in the warm sunshine .
2 As I sit on the bus going westward I realize this could be the last I see of this manor .
3 As I sit in the sandbag shelter at 10 o'clock on this cold night on gate watch I have time to contemplate the months that I have spent in the Auxiliary Fire Service .
4 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
5 A lovely lady , Molly Braithwaite , came to teach , and one day as I sat at the back I felt ‘ Surely I could do a little of that gently swinging ’ , picked up a club , and was off ‘ moving with the Medau ’ .
6 I was up early next morning with a clanging hangover , and as I sat beside the bed watching Dana sleep , I wrote one of the several poems of that period about insomnia and my vigil over my sleeping friend 's form , ‘ The Lonely Insomniac ’ :
7 I can not tell you my thoughts as I sat on the stand and watched the Arsenal playing far below their proper form .
8 And as I sat on the beach , I idly picked up some of the myriad stones lying on the shore , and one of them surprised me with its remarkable colours — it was pure marble glistening and sparkling with mica particles imbedded in it .
9 As I sat on the riverbank , in an expanded state of consciousness after the session , I ‘ knew ’ beyond doubt that all wisdom and knowledge was available to me .
10 That night , as I sat on the edge of my bed , contemplating the tatter of pop posters sellotaped to the flower-patterned wallpaper of my bedroom , I found myself shaking .
11 I laughed silently as I sat against a hard cushion in the palm-frond house looking at the brown eyes around me .
12 So with all this in mind , as I sat in a long queue of airmen for the preliminary examination , I was thankful .
13 I could not understand his absence ; but suddenly , as I sat in the speeding train , a long way already from El Katara , I caught sight of his white burnous on the banks of the oued .
14 A couple of hours later , as I sat in the hostel kitchen , a message came over the radio that a body had been found .
15 As I sat in the mouth of the cave looking out at the change in the weather , I wondered how a man in the Old Stone Age must have felt , staring out at the rain , knowing that if it did n't let up soon he 'd have to go out in it and knock a mammoth on the head for tea .
16 Spirit and flesh both quailed before so difficult and rowdy an audience on so difficult and perilous a subject … as I sat in the committee room while the order of the meeting was being arranged , and heard my audience shouting , singing , crowing like cocks … and keeping up a continuous uproar , I thought to myself , ‘ I have got to go into that and control it somehow so as to be heard ’ …
17 As I sat in the graceful room looking at Mrs Rumney , cool , poised , tranquil , with the little white creature resting on her knee I could n't help feeling how right and fitting the whole scene was .
18 As I sat in the hot taxi I could see Balvinder Singh haggling with one of the healers .
19 As I sat in the bus on my way , strange things began to happen to me .
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