Example sentences of "as it had ever been " in BNC.

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1 She had believed him even now , even after what had happened and was happening , when he had said that his love for her remained as it had ever been , something eternal .
2 Whether it was during a healing , or during one of those morning meditations , I ca n't remember , but I had to assure Christopher that although I had stayed to every meditation and seen it through to the end , and although he had brought God , and probably Jesus Christ in upon several occasions , my original It was as intact as it had ever been .
3 It was wonderful to find the rapport was the same as it had ever been .
4 Praying was ten times as hard as it had ever been in Africa , so was steering clear of hatred , a problem Isobel had never encountered before .
5 For about four centuries the rulers of England had been trying to conquer and rule France , Scotland , and Ireland , but they had just lost their last foothold in France at Calais , their position in Ireland was as insecure as it had ever been , and the Scottish problem had taken an altogether new turn because Mary the Queen of Scotland could present a good claim to the English throne .
6 For a moment , Julia could not bear even to look at her , but at the sound of Comfort 's voice , as gentle as it had ever been , Julia opened her eyes properly .
7 But since the principle of indiscernibles remained in force in his theory , there was no means of telling two identical complexes apart in any case , and the whole idea of particularity remained as obscure as it had ever been .
8 It annoyed her that , despite everything that had been said and done between them , and which obviously had meant absolutely nothing to him , since his attitude towards her was the same as it had ever been , she still found it difficult to control her emotions in his presence .
9 But it seemed even that could do little more than dull the edges of the pain , and , when she woke up one morning with a painful hangover and realised the ache in her heart was just as strong as it had ever been , she swore she 'd never again attempt to deal with her sorrows that way .
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