Example sentences of "as [noun prp] [vb past] across the " in BNC.

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1 Cranston leaned back as Joscelyn brought across the steaming platters of food .
2 Charlie watched in horror as Makepeace fell across the barbed barrier and another burst of enemy bullets peppered his motionless body .
3 In its drive stood a Japanese four-wheel-drive vehicle and as Meredith looked across the laburnum hedge at it , a woman of about her own age came out of the house , slamming the door crossly , got into the vehicle and reversed out into the road , driving off at speed .
4 Scott nodded , watching as Hitch scuttled across the road and disappeared out of sight as he began to descend the embankment steps towards the pier .
5 The conversation died abruptly as Cranston lurched across the room .
6 The restaurant was plunged into darkness and the music boomed out as Gino dived across the table at her .
7 Just a pity you do n't smoke , ’ were Tommy 's last words as Charlie disappeared across the parade ground at the double .
8 He got up as Leo walked across the lawn outside and smiled down at the trio in the swing-seat .
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