Example sentences of "as [pron] [be] bound [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although warning signs shout at you not to cross these fragile constructions , as you 're bound to fall off and die and do n't say they did n't tell you so , you 'd have to be a boring old git not to want to do a balancing act over them for thrills .
2 She , Clarissa , was not looking forward to telephoning Lady Southdown , as she was bound to do , to thank her for a lovely evening .
3 As we are bound to say in order to secure our continued employment , now for something completely different .
4 These figures vary , as they are bound to do , with differences in types of books stocked , binding policies , local circumstances , and — especially — the size of local bookfunds and therefore the minimum physical standard of stock that can be fixed pragmatically by each authority .
5 Whatever information they had came from such second-hand reports as they were bound to pick up either in Marseilles or in Italy or in the Balkans , without having to visit the country for themselves .
6 But things turned out as they were bound to do and not as I expected ; there was a typically whole gastrula on my dish the next morning , differing only by its small size from a normal one ; and this small but whole gastrula developed into a whole and typical larva …
7 In August , Lyell had refused to do so , but Mr Greene says that there is new evidence to suggest that the Commission did not exercise its duties correctly ; The Commissioners seem not to have taken expert advice , as they were bound to do , on the importance of the paintings to the collection , but relied merely on the statements supplied by the College itself .
8 ‘ Night ’ itself occurs several times in his early books of poetry , as it was bound to do , and its references are of an intimidating sort : ‘ the night never ending ’ ( in ‘ Letter ’ ) , and ‘ the clinic of your thighs against the night ’ ( in Let Us Compare Mythologies ; the latter intimating that other experience of the night which such high thinkers as Bertrand Russell found laden with sexual feelings ) .
9 Inflation is now crumbling , as it was bound to do because of the recession .
10 They arranged to go out for a drink on the second evening , although Kathleen was n't really looking forward to it as it was bound to turn into a ‘ What was the name of that blonde with the big chest ? ’ sort of session and she would end up driving them both home and quite likely putting them both to bed !
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