Example sentences of "had left a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His family had been very poor when he was young , and it had left a lasting impression on him .
2 Earlier he had heard that a young clerk from the Post Office had shot himself while lying in bed … he had left a young widow , to whom he had been married in Calcutta during the previous cold season ; this act of despair had moved him more than any other of the many deaths he had witnessed since the beginning of the siege ; it was perhaps the fact that the young man had been lying in bed when he had shot himself that the Collector found so sad .
3 Slowly he removed his mouth , closing her fingers over the spot where his lips had left a burning imprint , a brand on her flesh .
4 One day I had left a five pound note on the mantelpiece .
5 But when her father , the widely respected leader of the Welsh radicals in Parliament , died suddenly in 1892 she found to her horror that he had left a crippling burden of debt and that his principal business enterprise , the Dillwyn spelter works at Llansamlet , Swansea , was on the verge of bankruptcy .
6 The uniform he was wearing seemed to have been assembled from outfits designed to fit several very different people : the sleeves were too long and the neck too wide , while the cap was so small it had left a pink welt around his forehead .
7 Though her temper had run away with her , and she had sent him away , she could not deny that the grim coldness of his departure had left a barren place in her heart .
8 I found a niche where a small landslide had left a level lawn with a backing of turf ; and where the breeze still moved enough to allay the midges , and sat down to my picnic .
9 Hugo had left a full packet of cigarettes by the bed .
10 Some workmen had left a wooden board on the pavement beside the bus stop and Katy danced on top of it until the bus arrived .
11 Being used — as Luke had used her last night — was humiliating , and even though she had been able to turn the tables it had left a bitter after-taste .
12 For instance , Piers 's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect .
13 Although the plight of the Nonconformists was eased considerably by the Toleration Act of 1689 , the intensity of the persecutions under Charles II , and especially those of the 1680s , had left a bitter legacy .
14 It had been enjoyable at the time , but after it was over it had left a disagreeable taste in the mouth .
15 From my vantage-point I could see exactly where the accident had happened , about sixty yards from the summit , as the cops had left a portable barrier with yellow flashing lights on top to mark the spot .
16 ‘ Their experiences at Darlington had left a bad taste in the mouth .
17 Apart from the fact that the McCarthy purges of alleged Communists had left a bad scar on the film industry , two other developments were eventually to bear much of the blame for the demise of the glitterama of old Hollywood .
18 We had in addition to this party , — a doctor coming to visit his mother , who lived in Coll ; a young Englishman with a fishing-rod , who had left a medical practice for a few days , to whip the burns of Coll and breathe the fine air ; a minister 's wife ; a retired minister and his wife , both in delicate health ; the fiscal of Tobermory , who had a farm in Tiree ; the Chief Constable and Sheriff Clerk from Mull , who came to investigate a case of suspected cattle poisoning ; and a young Glasgow teacher , who came to be guest of the Fiscal aforementioned .
19 Beside the note , lying on the bare boards , Vanessa and her cohorts ( she had two brothers ; it was probably they who 'd come with her to empty the house ) had left a neat pile of broken glass , in case he was sufficiently moved by her entreaty to end his life there and then .
20 That poor rash fool de Breos , who had run his neck into Llewelyn 's noose a year ago at this same season , had left a fine bone of contention behind him with his wide lands and his four little daughters .
21 As I settled down in the straw-filled barn that I had left a few moments ago in search of food , I looked around at the now sleeping Frenchman , stretched out in the straw .
22 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier , so I ran back the quick way to the house , where the lights all burned as usual .
23 The colorful chemical and medical reformer Paracelsus ( c. 1493–1541 ) suggested that , in creating the world , God had left a magic sign on every herb — a clue to its efficacy .
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