Example sentences of "had been placed on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The girl had been placed on a social services ‘ at risk ’ register after suffering a broken arm and collarbone in a fall .
2 Two litre bottles of mineral water had been placed on a small wooden table with a hard-backed chair .
3 The throne , whose gothic spires rose high above the Collector 's head , had been placed on a wooden dais at one end of the banqueting hall .
4 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
5 Coils of 15-amp wire and hand tools had been placed on a groundsheet .
6 At the time , Eurotunnel said the contracts had been placed on the assumption passengers would stay with cars , but that the rolling stock could be altered , if required , by the Safety Authority .
7 The village was quiet with only a couple of old men sitting on a bench outside the church as we drove through the gates of the big house and along the road through the village , passing the Chateau where the Commando dead had been placed on the front lawn shortly after we had entered the village , and during the bitter fighting of the first ten days .
8 The apocalypse of the Cold War had been placed on the agenda .
9 The long tin bath that usually hung by one of its handles on the wall of the pantry had been placed on the level paving stones at the bottom end of the back yard .
10 Vines shaded it , and pots of brilliant flowers had been placed on the balustrade .
11 An artificial pink rose had been placed on the red cover roughly in the centre of the body .
12 After returning the painting to the icon shop , the dealer subsequently received two contradictory letters , the first stating that ‘ his ’ Wtewael had been placed on the national index of important works of art that could not leave Germany , and the follow-up , which noted that the Wtewael had been taken off the index , and that it could , therefore , be exported .
13 The two component parts of Owen 's productive classes had been placed on the opposite sides of a divide ; and their separation into ‘ them and us ’ was now so far completed as to have become irreversible .
14 Then he sat down again on the golden stool which had been placed on the balcony of the chamber .
15 A tatami , a triple-woven rush mat , had been placed on the sand , and as he walked towards it Alexei saw that the slave had raked over his footprints as he had departed , leaving the surface smooth and even .
16 The companies had been placed on the blacklist after being accused of offering " kickbacks " to win an oil pipeline contract .
17 It had been placed on the right-hand side of the green , guarded by two bunkers .
18 A few minutes later the Deruta vase containing about half a kilo of assorted chocolates had been placed on the rear seat of the Volvo and he was sitting in the front watching Cinzia tear up the parking ticket which had been tucked under the windscreen wiper .
19 He explained that a series of options had been placed on the table but all had been rejected .
20 The changes on the labour market had come with greater rapidity than anticipated , too much reliance had been placed on the automatic adjustments , the mobility , of the market mechanism ’ ( quoted Flanagan et al. , 1983 , p. 605 ) .
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