Example sentences of "had finally [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By now it was dark , with just two small desk lamps throwing clear-cut areas of light : one at a typist 's table halfway down the room where Maxim had finally met up with a pint of cold lager , one at the desk where Dann was listening on the telephone and sipping a small glass of neat gin .
2 That impressionable child who had swooned and sighed and lain in bed dreaming of Jake MacKay had finally grown up with a vengeance .
3 It felt fragile at first , but it was as if I had finally come up for air after nearly drowning in a pool of lies .
4 A yawn took her by surprise ; her long day and the worry about Dana , to say nothing of the arrival of Roman Wyatt , had finally caught up with her .
5 Athelstan was sure the murderer was in the Tower and equally certain that some evil deed from the past had finally caught up with Sir Ralph .
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